Call for Proposal -To strengthen the quality of the services for women survivors of gender-based violence in Cahul and Ungheni
UN Women within the EU funded project “Strengthening gender action in Cahul and Ungheni districts” invites non-governmental organizations with experience in supporting local civil society and in promotion of gender equality and women empowerment from Cahul and Ungheni districts.
Within the EVA project, UN Women intends to engage a national non-governmental organization with extensive experience and knowledge on supporting the development and provision of essential services for victims/survivors of domestic violence as part of multi-disciplinary teams’ response for piloting in Cahul and Ungheni district effective social services for survivors of GBV, ensuring a comprehensive mechanism comprising of psychosocial counseling, access to information during the crisis, secure sheltering, legal services. The proposed intervention will build on the provision of the national legal framework considering best international standards and local practices for multidisciplinary services for victims of domestic violence (VDV).
The proposed intervention size and budget request is for up to USD 160,000. All currency exchanges will be calculated using the UN Operational Exchange Rate as per the date of submission of proposal.
The proposals are expected to start from November 20, 2021 and be implemented for a period of maximum 12 months.
The deadline for proposals submission is October 28, 2021; Time: 18:00 pm, Moldova local time, GMT +2
Please find more details here: https://sc.undp.md/tnddetails2_1/2373/?fbclid=IwAR3G95AyQic1R6vjKZ5pkjkHB5ALLSlaBiueXn5oU1tDhA539t0fvS8QC34