Grants competition: EMBRACE Tsalka
- Economic development & market opportunities
- Agriculture and rural development
Tsalka Local Action group, together with CENN, the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA) and the Institute for Rural Development Research (Ifls), announces its third grants competition under the EU-supported ENPARD project, ‘EMBRACE Tsalka’.
The grants competition aims at promoting economic diversification in the municipality and improving the well-being and socio-economic status of local communities by implementing projects relevant to the Tsalka Local Development Strategy (LDS) priorities.
Both commercial (non-agricultural and agricultural) as well as social and educational initiatives will be supported within the competition.
The following entities are eligible to participate in the grants competition:
- Adult citizens of Georgia and / or foreign countries;
- Legal entities registered in Georgia;
- Registered agricultural cooperatives;
- Non-profit (non-profit) legal entities (NGOs, associations, etc.);
- Legal Entities of Public Law of Tsalka Municipality Self-Government;
- Cultural-educational organizations and initiative groups in Tsalka Municipality.
The grants competition consists of the following steps:
I step – Submission of the full project proposals;
II step – monitoring and interview;
III step – Approval of the project.
Interested applicants should submit a full project application form. The application deadline is: May 27, 2021 at 18:00 P.M.
All documents to complete the application are available on the following website: https://bit.ly/3gID2Kb(link is external)
The full project applications should only be submitted online to the following e-mail address: grants@tsalkalag.ge(link sends e-mail)
Applications can only be submitted in Georgian.
The grants competition will only finance projects that respond to the objectives and directions of the Tsalka Municipality Development Strategy(link is external).
For detailed information on the Grants Competition Terms, please visit: www.tsalkalag.ge(link is external)
To learn more:
The project ‘Local LEADERs Embrace Sustainable Development in Multi-Ethnic Tsalka Municipality (EMBRACE Tsalka)” aims to reduce rural poverty and improve living conditions in Tsalka municipality, addressing economic, social, and environmental concerns by improving agricultural competitiveness, promoting sustainable management of natural resources, and building climate-resilient rural economies and communities. In addition, through the LEADER approach, the project will strengthen family farms, entrepreneurs, women, youth and other local groups by providing access to knowledge, innovations and new technologies, by supporting business development and creating jobs.
The project “EMBRACE Tsalka” is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) by EU’s partner organization CENN, in partnership with the Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) and German partner organization – Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS).
The EU is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its ENPARD Programme. Implemented since 2013 with a total budget of EUR 179.5 million, the main goal of ENPARD is to reduce rural poverty in Georgia. The first phase of ENPARD in Georgia focused on developing the potential of agriculture. The second and third phases of ENPARD focus on creating economic opportunities for rural populations that go beyond agricultural activities. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge(link is external).
Tsalka Local Action group, together with CENN, the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA) and the Institute for Rural Development Research (Ifls), announces its third grants competition under the EU-supported ENPARD project, ‘EMBRACE Tsalka’.
The grants competition aims at promoting economic diversification in the municipality and improving the well-being and socio-economic status of local communities by implementing projects relevant to the Tsalka Local Development Strategy (LDS) priorities.
Both commercial (non-agricultural and agricultural) as well as social and educational initiatives will be supported within the competition.
The following entities are eligible to participate in the grants competition:
- Adult citizens of Georgia and / or foreign countries;
- Legal entities registered in Georgia;
- Registered agricultural cooperatives;
- Non-profit (non-profit) legal entities (NGOs, associations, etc.);
- Legal Entities of Public Law of Tsalka Municipality Self-Government;
- Cultural-educational organizations and initiative groups in Tsalka Municipality.
The grants competition consists of the following steps:
I step – Submission of the full project proposals;
II step – monitoring and interview;
III step – Approval of the project.
Interested applicants should submit a full project application form. The application deadline is: May 27, 2021 at 18:00 P.M.
All documents to complete the application are available on the following website: https://bit.ly/3gID2Kb(link is external)
The full project applications should only be submitted online to the following e-mail address: grants@tsalkalag.ge(link sends e-mail)
Applications can only be submitted in Georgian.
The grants competition will only finance projects that respond to the objectives and directions of the Tsalka Municipality Development Strategy(link is external).
For detailed information on the Grants Competition Terms, please visit: www.tsalkalag.ge(link is external)
To learn more:
The project ‘Local LEADERs Embrace Sustainable Development in Multi-Ethnic Tsalka Municipality (EMBRACE Tsalka)” aims to reduce rural poverty and improve living conditions in Tsalka municipality, addressing economic, social, and environmental concerns by improving agricultural competitiveness, promoting sustainable management of natural resources, and building climate-resilient rural economies and communities. In addition, through the LEADER approach, the project will strengthen family farms, entrepreneurs, women, youth and other local groups by providing access to knowledge, innovations and new technologies, by supporting business development and creating jobs.
The project “EMBRACE Tsalka” is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) by EU’s partner organization CENN, in partnership with the Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) and German partner organization – Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS).
The EU is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its ENPARD Programme. Implemented since 2013 with a total budget of EUR 179.5 million, the main goal of ENPARD is to reduce rural poverty in Georgia. The first phase of ENPARD in Georgia focused on developing the potential of agriculture. The second and third phases of ENPARD focus on creating economic opportunities for rural populations that go beyond agricultural activities. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge(link is external).