Internship opportunity for Ukrainian municipal workers in the field of energy
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Transport
- Energy & energy efficiency
- Environment & climate change
The EU-funded project ‘Covenant of Mayors East’ has announced an internship opportunity for Ukrainian municipal employees working in the field of energy. As part of the ‘City2City’ exchange programme, energy managers (people responsible for the development and implementation of energy efficiency policies) have the chance to visit, and learn from, progressive signatory cities with recognised achievements in the field of energy efficiency.
Who can participate?
Applicants should:
- be from a Covenant of Mayors signatory city, which is currently developing or implementing its Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan (priority will be given to cities that have not yet developed their plan);
- be directly involved in the development or implementation of the Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan;
- be prepared to share experience with colleagues and apply their new knowledge and skills in everyday work;
- demonstrate high motivation to participate in internships.
Candidates should fill in an online application form, consisting of 14 questions.
The application deadline is 15 July 2020. The internship will take place between August and September.
If you have any questions about the exchange programme, contact the Covenant of Mayors office in Ukraine at info-east@eumayors.eu.
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The EU-funded project ‘Covenant of Mayors East’ has announced an internship opportunity for Ukrainian municipal employees working in the field of energy. As part of the ‘City2City’ exchange programme, energy managers (people responsible for the development and implementation of energy efficiency policies) have the chance to visit, and learn from, progressive signatory cities with recognised achievements in the field of energy efficiency.
Who can participate?
Applicants should:
- be from a Covenant of Mayors signatory city, which is currently developing or implementing its Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan (priority will be given to cities that have not yet developed their plan);
- be directly involved in the development or implementation of the Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan;
- be prepared to share experience with colleagues and apply their new knowledge and skills in everyday work;
- demonstrate high motivation to participate in internships.
Candidates should fill in an online application form, consisting of 14 questions.
The application deadline is 15 July 2020. The internship will take place between August and September.
If you have any questions about the exchange programme, contact the Covenant of Mayors office in Ukraine at info-east@eumayors.eu.
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