Call for the 2021 EaP Civil Society Fellowships
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility is delighted to announce that its prestigious EU-funded Fellowship programme is now looking for its 5th cohort of Fellows.
The main objective of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowships is to support civil society activists or civically minded women and men who demonstrate a deep commitment to leading positive social change in their communities. The Fellowships will build the Fellows’ capacity to constructively engage with communities and authorities and contribute to reforms in the EaP countries.
Under this Call there are two types of Fellowship: Community Engagement Fellowships and Civic Digital Fellowships. The latter of these is specially designed to appeal to IT experts such as software engineers, data scientists, designers who innovate at the intersection of technology and the needs of their communities.
For all those successful to become a Fellow, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship programme will:
- Provide you with tailored training and coaching.
- Support you with 5,000 EUR to implement your Fellowship activities.
- Give you access to networking opportunities and promote you as a civil society leader.
- Allow you to become part of our Fellowship alumni network.
You can find more details about the call and application procedure HERE.