The right to identity regained through trial
In neuro-psychiatric residential institutions from Moldova live dozens of people, whose identity is unknown. This fact creates legal impediments for their social inclusion and implementation of their rights.
The case of V. G., who spend 40 years in a residential institution, without having a birth certificate and identity card, it is a case that was litigated successfully within the project “Advancing and monitoring the rights of people with mental disabilities in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions”. A lawyer, who filed a special action in court, has defended the interests of V. G. In the trial process was proven the fact that the date and year of birth, as well as the person’s name have been changed for unknown reasons — when he was nine and had been placed in the residential institution. Therefore, by court order, the identity of the persons was established and he gained right to issue his birth certificate and identity card. This way, V. G. lived for 40 years, without knowing who he really is, when and where he was born.
More than 30 cases of strategic litigation have been legally assisted within the project “Advancing and monitoring the rights of people with mental disabilities in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions”, financed by European Union and implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with the Alliance of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities from the Republic of Moldova and the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities.
The contact person from the EU Project: Nelea Panfil, Project coordinator
E-mail: npanfil@keystonehumanservices.org
The contact person from European Union Delegation: Victoria Neaga