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Social services, developed with the support of the European Union, presented during Europe Day 2022

The social services developed within the project “Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) work for better social services” were presented and explained during the events dedicated to Europe Day organised in May in Chisinau, Ungheni and Soroca. The visitors were asked what categories of people can benefit from these services, where they can access them and what organisations develop or provide them. Passers-by also bought handicrafts made by children with disabilities, the elderly or young people with autism, in the hope that they will help improve the work of these organisations.

The project stand in the European City of Chisinau was visited by the passers-by, who were briefed on the social services developed in the project and participated in an exercise to simulate vision loss. Thus, the Low Vision Centre, beneficiary of European grant and funding, aimed at raising awareness among the public at large about the problems that people with visual impairments face on a daily basis.

One of the young people passing by the project stand stopped by the wax and honey products, made by the children who do therapy at the “SOS Autism” Association. After buying a candle, the young man said that his name is Firus Alsaid, he is from the United States, but he has been studying Dentistry in Chisinau for four years, through a student exchange programme. He added that he and his colleagues would like to treat children with autism free of charge and provide dental procedures: treatment of the teeth whenever they need, at the University Clinic”. The invitation was sent to the Association, which announced that it would be accepted.

In Ungheni, the project stand was the place where the children who participated in the “Europe Day” creative contest, organised by the “Social Alternatives” Public Association, were awarded. “We are currently creating a very necessary social service for Ungheni district – establishing the functions of specialist in the protection of children’s rights in the four largest city halls in the district. This will help prevent the institutionalization of children at risk. We are not in the first project with European funding, we also received support that proved to be very useful, because we managed to develop efficient social services and in line with the current needs of the people”, said Adriana Frasin, president of the “Social Alternatives” Association.

The project was also presented in Soroca, where the European Caravan arrived on May 22nd. At the project stand, Valentina Onică, president of the “Casa Speranțelor” Association, told visitors about the new service to be created in Soroca – Day Centre for children at risk. “The support provided by the European Union is very important for us, because otherwise we would not have been able to develop the social services so necessary for the population. Also, with the support of the EU and the Soros Foundation Moldova, in a previous project, we managed to deinstitutionalize 20 people with disabilities from the Temporary Placement Centre for People with Disabilities in Bădiceni. We have created 4 protected shelters for them, which are currently functional, the people who live in them have joined the community, have developed work skills. Here I came with a mini exhibition of their work. After that success, we benefit from a new financing and in partnership with the public authorities, we create in Soroca another social service – Day Centre for children at risk”, said Valentina Onică.

“We wanted the activities of the project ‘Civil society organisations work for better social services’ to be presented in different localities during the events dedicated to Europe Day, so people learn about the services created with the help of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova, they can be documented and, if necessary, accessed. It is also important for people to be aware of the European Union’s contribution to supporting efforts to create communities that are inclusive and resilient to the needs of vulnerable groups. The Soros Foundation Moldova is already co-financing and implementing the second project funded by the European Union. Dozens of social services have been developed in both, for children, for people with disabilities, for the elderly. The development of an efficient system of social services throughout the country is an objective that the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova assumed several years ago”, said Daniela Leahu, project director, Soros Foundation Moldova.

The project “Civil Society Organisations work for better social services” is funded by the European Union, co-financed and implemented by the Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova and Institutum Virtutes Civilis Public Association. Within the project, 40 CSOs develop quality and inclusive social services throughout the Republic of Moldova. The project runs for 42 months and has a total budget of 3,375,000 EUR.