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Strengthening Moldova’s fight against corruption and money laundering: a transformative training initiative

In a significant stride toward bolstering the capacity of Moldovan anti-corruption institutions to combat corruption and money laundering, the GIZ’s project “Strengthening the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova,” co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), initiated a comprehensive training program aimed at equipping officials and stakeholders with cutting-edge tools, knowledge, and skills necessary to address the multifaceted challenges of corruption and money laundering. This training took place from July 3rd to July 7th, 2023.The participants of this educational event included prosecutors, investigative judges, and representatives from key anti-corruption agencies such as the National Anti-Corruption Centre, Criminal Assets Recovery Agency, Service for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering, and National Integrity Authority.

The primary objective of the course was to enhance the participants’ capabilities in applying advanced investigative techniques. They were equipped with the skills to identify witnesses and evidence crucial for prosecuting money laundering and corruption cases, while also focusing on asset recovery strategies.

Corruption and money laundering pose significant threats to a country’s development, democracy, and security. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between these two issues, international organizations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have emphasized the role of law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in addressing these crimes. In particular, FATF Recommendation 30 mandates that designated law enforcement authorities take proactive measures to investigate money laundering in cases involving major proceeds-generating offenses.

ICAR, as part of the Basel Institute on Governance, played a pivotal role in delivering this training program. Facilitated by ICAR senior advisers and specialists and in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice of Moldova, the five-day workshop held in Chisinau featured interactive lectures, mini-workshops, and a simulated corruption investigation. The comprehensive training covered topics ranging from money laundering essentials to mutual legal assistance and asset recovery mechanisms.

The simulated investigation challenged participants to conduct a complex financial and asset tracing inquiry, mirroring real-world scenarios. Each group deeply analysed a fictitious case, identified corruption and money laundering offenses, matched facts to elements, and collected evidence to support their case. Moreover, they peaked their skills in tracing illicit assets, a crucial step in obtaining forfeiture and confiscation orders.

This training program showcased a series of insightful presentations, including an overview of money laundering, a breakdown of the elements of the crime under Moldovan legislation, financial analysis using Excel, and financial investigative approaches. Additionally, participants delved into mutual legal assistance and explored the challenges in investigating and prosecuting money laundering in Moldova, presented by Mr. Octavian Iachimovschi, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

By fostering collaboration, enhancing knowledge, and equipping participants with practical skills, this initiative is a significant step forward in Moldova’s fight against corruption and money laundering. It empowers those on the frontlines to effectively address these grave threats to the nation’s well-being, bolstering the rule of law and fostering integrity within its borders.