Strengthening the water supply and sanitation infrastructure in Cantemir with the support of the European Union
The project which focuses on strengthening the water supply and sanitation infrastructure in Cantemir (part II of the EU-funded project Development of Rural Areas in the Republic of Moldova) continues working on the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the sewer network, in order to be completed in summer 2021.
A monitoring field visit for inspection of the works progress took place on 18 February 2021 by the representatives of the Austrian Development Agency, Mr. Gunther ZIMMER, Head of ADA Moldova Office, the Mayor of Cantemir, Mr. Roman CIUBACIUC, and the project managers of the construction company and the site supervision engineer. The visit aimed to control the progress of the actual works and the commissioning plan of the project facilities which is envisaged for summer 2021.
In the last months, the project continued with the construction works and the households were preliminary connected to the sewer network. The main results achieved up to 31 January 2021:
- Completion of all main civil works of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and start of the mechanical and electrical installation, which achieved a progress of 71%.
- More than 51% sewer network was constructed. Thereof: pipe laying length 12,905 m (73% of total), 511 manholes installed (71% of total), 157 house connections were preliminary completed (38% of total).
- Several activities were implemented to steer and enhance the internal and external communication of the project. The officials and local community beneficiaries are fully involved in the project via increased awareness raising in the field of sustainable water supply and safe wastewater disposal.
On the same day of 19 February 2021, a similar inauguration took place in Râşcani. The mechanical workshop within the department „Machines and appliances in the food industry” opens its doors at the Agroindustrial College in Râşcani.
The new practical training facilities, recently re-equipped, will allow several generations of students, future mechanical technicians, to acquire the necessary skills in line with up-to-date requirements that will help them obtain jobs. The level of training required in the labour market is constantly advancing. It depends on the performance of teachers, training programs and tools, the learning environment and conditions. Thanks to the enhancements produced with the support of the European Union project “DevRAM”, Part I, the initial and continuing training process in agri-food technical vocational education will be much closer to the labour market for thousands of students and specialists in the field. The project has successfully worked with RIFC “Selectia”, through Donau Soja
On 26 February 2021, the Research Institute of Field Crops “Selecţia” and other 4 entities were donated high-performance equipment.
Association, on the transfer of knowledge to farmers through jointly organised demonstration platforms and field days that allowed farmers learn about the best available technologies in soya cultivation and identify the most productive soya varieties and inputs available on the market. The equipment transferred will include a modern seeding machine ”D 62 – SE”, and a set of rapid GMO and mycotoxins scanning equipment, that will contribute to strengthening the capacities of the research sector and local producers and ensure the good quality seeding process leading to better results on the demonstration platforms, empowering the local scientists and researchers to improve the quality of research and know-how transfer to soya producers.
The Centre for Excellence in Services and Food Processing from Bălţi received a donation of high-performance equipment, as well.
A monitoring visit to the newly equipped “Laboratory of the modern specialist” was organised by the Centre for Excellence in Services and Food Processing in Bălţi. The Laboratory received an electric convection and steam oven, a water filter, a leavener, a planetary mixer and an electronic scale. In addition, the laboratory will be the space for continuous training courses, which will be attended by teachers from VET institutions and by all those interested in professional growth. The new training facilities will allow 150 students from “Food technology” specialty and 60 students from “Confectioner” specialty to acquire practical skills needed in the labour market, which will facilitate their future professional integration. The above detailed activities were implemented by the EU-funded project Development of Rural Areas of the Republic of Moldova (DevRam), Part I.