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Students from four Moldovan Vocational Educational and Training (VET) institutions develop their 21st-century skills

The Austrian Development Agency in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, within the ‘EU4Moldova: Local Communities programme’ launched the training programme to develop labour market integration skills, leadership, raising awareness of sustainable production and consumption principles, and strengthening the capacity for orientation in a changing global and “green” economy. 

In April and May 2023, the first introductory training sessions on “Assertive and Effective Communication” took place at the Brătușeni College of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Economics, Cupcini Vocational School, Leova Vocational School, and the College of Engineering Strășeni.

During the years 2023-2025, students from mentioned VET institutions will take part in workshops to improve their communication skills in a participatory and interactive way which will help them to overcome possible challenges in their professional activity and interpersonal relationships.

The above-mentioned students training programme is organised within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme, financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland being implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova (SFPL).