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Summer camp – ”Bullying Free Zone”, organised with the support of the EU and Team Europe

40 young people from 10 localities participated in the “Bullying Free Zone” summer camp, organised during 18-21 July 2022.

Over the course of four days, the young people took part in both educational and networking activities. The participants learned about the bullying phenomenon, the domains of well-being, actions and solutions in bullying situations (in the role of victim, aggressor, witness).

They had the opportunity to share their experience and learn from each other, putting into practice what they learned directly during the training course.

The purpose of organising this summer camp was Creating a dialogue platform between young people from 10 localities.

By the end of the training, the participants:

  • had the opportunity to collaborate and exchange experience with young people from other localities;
  • strengthened knowledge on the bullying topic;
  • created a model of anti-bullying presentation for other young people in the school and other neighbouring localities;
  • initiated an anti-bullying movement.

So many positive emotions, so many beautiful memories and so many life lessons I managed to learn. These days were unique by the simple fact that we managed to show up, make ourselves heard and listen. I can only say a big ‘thank you’ to Mrs. Mariana Cosoi for organising this camp, where we were open with each other, where we learned how to deal with bullying situations and where we exchanged experiences with the other participants!“, Adela Solodchi (18 years), participant at the camp.

The event is part of the “HOPE – Holistic approach to child protection in Moldova” project, carried out by Diaconia in 10 localities.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Social Mission “Diaconia”, Caritas Austria, CCF Moldova – Child, Community, Family and the Regina Pacis Foundation, and is financed by the European Union, the Austrian Development Agency and Caritas Austria.