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Team Europe Initiative “EU4Moldova: Local communities” supports the strengthening of water supply infrastructure in Edineț

On 5 April a Cooperation Agreement between the Austrian Development Agency, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova, the Edineț Municipality and Rayon Council, and the municipal Enterprise “Apa-Canal Edineț” was signed on the construction of the new Edineț Water Treatment Plant and partial rehabilitation of the water transmission infrastructure in the area.

The document outlines the collaboration between the signatory institutions in support of the project implementation by defining actions, responsibilities, and organisational aspects. It also describes the support to local public authorities in developing and improving the water supply infrastructure, including the water supply to neighbouring localities (i.e., Cupcini town), operation, maintenance, and financial sustainability. According to this, approximately 26,000 Edineț residents (incl. Cupcini) will have access to drinking water in their households, in public institutions, and businesses.

Additionally, the Cooperation Agreement on the construction of the water supply system for Cupcini city (central part) was signed between the Austrian Development Agency and the Municipality of Cupcini. The system will be supplied by the Edineț Water Treatment Plant.

Within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) supports the development of sustainable local public infrastructure, improvement of existing water and sanitation infrastructure, enhancing operation and maintenance, capacity development for water utilities, and assuring gender equality of men and women participating in the project.