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The EU Team, Alongside Strategic Partners, Participated in the Bunica & Bunelul Fest in Bălți

The EU Team, Alongside Strategic Partners, Participated in the “Bunica & Bunelul Fest” in Bălți


On Saturday, 22nd September, in the northern city of Bălți, hundreds of seniors came together to celebrate the festival dedicated to active ageing. The event brought together families and friends, serving as a platform for fostering communication and building relationships across generations.

Grandparents, along with their children and grandchildren, prepared European snacks and Moldovan traditional dishes, took part in contests, danced, and enjoyed the festivities together. Every grandparent in Moldova deserves a peaceful and fulfilling life. The EU team joined the celebration, offering visitors at the European tent the chance to learn more about the EU, as well as European traditions and culture.

This year marks the eighth edition of “Bunica & Bunelul Fest,” which was first held online in 2017 and included various competitions for seniors. The current edition featured several thematic areas, including health, exhibitions, workshops, and a photo corner.

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