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The European Union and People in Need, alongside those who help refugees from Ukraine

Representatives of civil society and voluntary organisations in the country, directly involved in supporting refugees from Ukraine, received a psychosocial support programme. The three-day programme included trainings and self-awareness activities carried out by People in Need Moldova with financial support provided by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

The first part of the event focused on understanding the burnout syndrome. During the event, Adriana Mîrza, psychologist and psychotherapist, engaged the participants in psycho-educational activities, explaining what professional burnout is, how it manifests itself, what are the stages, symptoms, factors that generate burnout. Participants were also tested to understand their level of burnout.

We had a group that very quickly realized the need to do something for themselves, they were very honest, they spoke frankly about it, they showed openness and demonstrated the intention to change their situation for the better. It is very easy to work with people who understand that they have needs, this fills you with energy”, said Adriana Mîrza.

The second half of the programme focused on team building and included personal development activities on the one hand, but also team building and awareness of the value of communication and collaboration in any environment. The activities took place outdoors, which was important, according to Lilia Nacai, psychologist in the mobile unit of the CASMED Public Association. In this way a harmony was created between caring for soul, self-care and caring for nature. She also enjoyed the people she met, and all the people who took part in the training were valuable, experienced, from whom she had a lot to learn.

 “Both topics chosen by the organisers were very important and I think they should be continued, including for our colleagues who remained at home to work. I am grateful for this opportunity and for the way the representatives of People in Need Moldova have been wholeheartedly involved in this programme, so that everything they set out to do at the training was achieved and the people present at the activity felt fully satisfied”, said Lilia.

The psychosocial support programme was carried out in the framework of the “ACCESS: Provision of multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected populations in Ukraine and Moldova” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by People in Need. This project includes two components. The first concerns the provision of multi-purpose cash assistance. Between June and August this year, 1,750 households in 15 districts in the North and South of the country, which are hosting refugees, received 3,500 lei each.

The second component covers the protection sector and comprises four separate activities. First, there is the free hotline, run by the REthink Counselling and Personal Development Centre to provide psychosocial support to refugees and all those concerned about the international armed conflict in the neighbouring country. Two mobile units have also been set up to provide legal and psychosocial support to refugees in the Northern and Southern districts of the country. The psychosocial support programme for civil society and voluntary organisations involved in helping Ukrainian citizens seeking refuge in the Republic of Moldova will continue with new trainings and activities, and a pilot women’s support group is planned in the future.

The project is running for the sixth year, mainly in Ukraine, and since March activities have been extended to the Republic of Moldova. The successful implementation of the project in our country is ensured by a consortium of three non-governmental organisations – People in Need, ACTED and REACH, with People in Need as the lead of implementing group.