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The European Union offers new opportunities for young entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova

Uniunea Europeană oferă noi oportunități pentru tinerii antreprenori din Republica Moldova

Young entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova can benefit from business consultancy thanks to the support provided by the European Union. In Chisinau, the ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ program was introduced, a European initiative that promotes entrepreneurial development and collaboration. The program presentation event is part of the ‘European Year of Skills’ campaign, an initiative that promotes acquiring the skills necessary for quality employment and addresses the gap between specialists’ skills and companies’ needs.

European and Moldovan officials, representatives from the business community, and individuals interested in launching and growing their businesses participated at the event. Among them were the EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, the Minister of Economic Development and Digitalisation, Dumitru Alaiba, the Director of the Networks and Governance Department within the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs (DG GROW), Jakub Boratynski, and the President of the Economic, Budget, and Finance Legislative Committee, Radu Marian.

“The European Union is a dynamic and inclusive community that opens its doors wide for cooperation. The ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ program is evidence that we have no borders, only opportunities waiting to be explored. Over time, the program has gained popularity and impressive results, highlighting its global impact and effectiveness in promoting entrepreneurial growth. This event aligns with the EU campaign ‘European Year of Skills,’ which underscores our commitment to skill development, knowledge enhancement, and professional growth,” stated Jānis Mažeiks, the European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova.

“The program represents a pathway to new opportunities, an essential pillar in the development of youth entrepreneurship, facilitating cross-border exchanges and strengthening connections between young entrepreneurs and experienced business experts. It’s an additional opportunity to engage the youth from our country in the process of economic development, thereby bolstering a European and competitive business environment,” stated Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, Dumitru Alaiba.

“The ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ program serves as an important bridge between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, especially now as Moldova progresses on the path of European integration. Throughout this process, we must not overlook the direct contact with people, which is the foundation of businesses. Currently, 54 Moldovan entrepreneurs have participated in this program, with half of the exchanges already taking place. Romania is the most frequently chosen destination among Moldovan entrepreneurs, and over 70% of those who have applied to benefit from this program are women,” specified Jakub Boratynski, Director of the Networks and Governance Department within the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs (DG GROW).

Through the program, entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova, aiming to develop their businesses and enhance their skills, will have the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs from EU countries. ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ is a unique opportunity for business people to discover new perspectives and identify new opportunities for advancement in their entrepreneurial careers. Moreover, the program aims to facilitate the development of new businesses for Moldovan entrepreneurs by providing access to new networks and markets.

At the event, opportunities offered by the ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ program were presented, including program details and personal experiences shared by some beneficiaries gained during their internships.

The European program “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” was launched in 2008. It is a European Union initiative that facilitates cross-border exchange of experience and provides young entrepreneurs or those willing to learn from experienced business people, who are at the helm of small and medium-sized enterprises in other participating countries, predominantly EU member states.

The exchange of experience takes place during an internship with an experienced entrepreneur, allowing participants to acquire the skills necessary for managing a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). The exchange internships last between 1 and 6 months and are partially funded by the European Commission.

Over the nearly 16 years of implementation, within the “Erasmus for Entrepreneurs” program, 11,848 entrepreneurial exchanges have been organized, involving over 22,000 young entrepreneurs. They have benefited from the exchange of experience with 13,283 host entrepreneurs from 45 involved and participating countries.

For more details about the campaign, please visit the link: European Year of Skills

For more details about the “Erasmus for Entrepreneurs” Program, you can find them here: Erasmus for Entrepreneurs

The video recording of the presentation event is available at: Facebook Video