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The first ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova visited Europe Café

Primul ambasador al Regatului Țărilor de Jos în Republica Moldova, în vizită la Europe Cafe

The members of the EU Information Centres had the opportunity to meet Fred Duijin, the first Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova. Part of the ‘A cup of Europe’ initiative, the perspective to interact with a high-level official brought together dozens of young people curious and eager to exploit this opportunity.

Their dynamic dialogue revealed useful and interesting insights about the economic, commercial and cultural cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Netherlands, joint projects, but also initiatives that can be taken over and implemented in Moldova. Those interested in following the diplomacy path asked the ambassador to share his valuable experience, to disclose details related to his diplomatic career, challenges, and successes. The ambassador talked about the educational opportunities for available youth in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and initiatives to support the business environment.

The ‘A cup of Europe’ events offer the chance to those interested to interact with ambassadors of the EU member states. If you are among those who are curious to take part in such events, check out our events’ agenda and join us.