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Two social laundry services in Glodeni and Dondușeni districts were inaugurated with the support of the European Union

Older people and people with disabilities from all localities of Glodeni district use the services of the Mobile Social Laundry, a service launched in April, free of charge. Older people and people with disabilities from Tîrnova commune in Donduseni district have their clothes and linen washed at the recently opened social laundry in the locality. Both laundries were created with the support of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova.

Clothes and bed linen are collected from the beneficiaries’ homes with the service car, brought to the laundry, where they are washed, and then returned to the owners. In Glodeni, the service was created by the public association “Clinica Juridică” from Bălți in partnership with the Glodeni District Council, as part of the project “Civil Society Organisations Act for Better Social Services”. From the resources of the project, the premises were repaired and furnished, washing machines and a car for the collection and delivery of laundry were purchased, the service staff was hired and trained. The laundry will continue to be managed and financed by the Glodeni Social Assistance and Family Protection Directorate.

We aim to improve the living conditions of the elderly in the district, especially of those covered by home care and personal assistance services. At the same time, we facilitate the work of personal assistants and social workers in the community,” said Ion Crudu, head of the Glodeni Social Assistance and Family Protection Directorate, at the inauguration of the service.

In Tîrnova village of Donduseni district, the laundry was created as part of a project implemented by the “Tîrnoveanca” Public Association and the Local Council. 

For the creation of this social service, 42,771 euros were needed, of which 7,800 euros is the contribution of the Tîrnova Communal Council. “The role of local public authorities is to ensure fairness and respect for human rights for the entire population. That is why, together with civil society, we found solutions for the creation of this social service, which meets the basic needs of older people, people with disabilities, and families with children with limited material possibilities,” said the mayor of Tîrnova commune, Victor Bodorin, at the inauguration.