Women leadership for the good governance in the Republic of Moldova – strengthened with EU assistance
More than 150 alumni of the Women for Good Governance Academy participated on 9 December in the 2022 Annual Conference. The Academy is one of the activities of the Partnerships for Women Leadership and Good Governance project, implemented by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova and Institutum Virtutes Civilis with the financial support of the European Union and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Between November 2021 and November 2022, the Academy participants received training and guidance on how to get involved in decision-making processes in their communities, how to identify the challenges that citizens face and engage with the community in solving them, as well as how to build a successful election campaign when they decide to run for an elective office.
In her opening address, the Moldovan Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilița, expressed hope that the skills and knowledge the participants acquired during the Academy program will inspire them to contribute to making a meaningful change in their communities. “I am convinced that each of the participants of the Academy will contribute to our common goal of making women’s voices heard in every community of our country. Each of you can, by own example and taking on the role of a leader, motivate and inspire other women. I am convinced that women can do everything and that there are no limits to capitalising on one’s own intellectual and human potential“, the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita says.

“Evidence shows that when women are given equal opportunities, access to resources and to decision-making communities are more prosperous and peaceful. Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the European Union. The EU supports the interventions where girls’ and women’s rights are claimed, so that everyone is able to reach their potential to contribute to a better society“, said Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova.
The Director of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova, Ana Mihailov, mentioned that the experience gained in the Academy encourages the participants take a pro-active role in the social and political life of the Republic of Moldova. “Many of our graduates have political aspirations, and I really hope that the knowledge they acquired in the last months has opened up new horizons for them and given them the courage to involve more actively in the democratic transformation of their communities“, Mrs. Mihailov said.
The President of the NGO “Instiututum Virtutes Civilis”, Liliana Palihovici, mentioned that the Academy was launched as a project that offers to the Moldovan active women unique opportunities for professional and personal development, insights into the decision-making processes and development of personal strategies for effective participation in governance processes. “We are happy that some of the Academy graduates have been elected to public positions proving that they are transformative leaders. Our expectation is that the Academy graduates from the 2021 and 2022 edition will capitalise on the knowledge gained in the Academy in the years to come and will become champions of change and good governance in their communities. This will help us all build together a society with consolidated democracy, a society of equity and well-being“, Mrs. Palihovici added.
The Academy graduates come from different regions of the country. Lidia Ostaș is a local councillor in the Congazcicul de Sus village from TAU Găgăuzia. In the upcoming general elections, she plans to run for mayor in her home village. She focused her campaign message on four pillars of development.
“I titled my project – Community for Kindness. From my point of view, the Congazcicul de Sus village needs the following changes: the development of a social project, a centre for young people and the elderly; improving local infrastructure for people with special needs; improving the quality of public services for citizens and encouraging local people to get involved in decision-making. I really want to run in elections and I hope I can convince the citizens that only together we can raise the standard of living in our village“, Lidia says.

Natalia Osipenco is another graduate of the Women for Good Governance Academy. She is currently working in the educational field. She comes from the north of the country, from Tîrsiței village, Telenesti district. She attended the Academy to strengthen her knowledge and skills to be able to solve local problems.
“I am convinced that villages and cities with active women are more likely to develop harmoniously. We, women, make half of the population. So, it is important to make our voices heard. I am glad that I had the opportunity to learn new things, which will be useful both for me and for the people in my community“, believes Natalia.