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Workshop dedicated to the Report on improving the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services


On 12 August 2020, in the framework of the Project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” (CEPEJ), which is part of the Partnership of the Council of Europe and the European Union for Good Governance in the Eastern Partnership Countries 2019-2021 (PGG II), a workshop was organized in order to discuss the Report on improving the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services.

The activity took place with participation of the representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Agency for Court Administration, Superior Council of Magistracy, National Institute of Justice, development partners as well as CEPEJ international experts and local consultants.

The Report, which is the result of CEPEJ Experts’ fact-finding and exchange of experience mission that took place on 25-26 February this year, contains valuable conclusions and recommendations on the use of Key Performance Indicators and various statistical databases similar to CEPEJ-STAT in order to improve the work with judicial statistics and transparency to the public.

An important part of the Report and experts’ presentation was dedicated to the use of Key Performance Indicators in the context of development of the Draft Strategy for Ensuring the Independence and Integrity of Justice Sector (SEIIJS) for 2020-2023, especially in the part related to the mechanism to monitor the efficiency of Strategy’s implementation.

The CEPEJ Project will follow closely the process of drafting of the SEIIJS, as the Council of Europe is involved in this process and certainly will be involved in the process of implementation and monitoring.

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