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“EU for Rural Moldova” Communication Campaign – results and opportunities in the context of European Union’s assistance provided for the development of rural localities in the Republic of Moldova

Results and opportunities in the context of European Union’s assistance provided for the development of rural localities in the Republic of Moldova

Starting with September 17, 2021 and until the end of October, the #EUforRuralMoldova campaign will reach 16 localities in the country to provide information on European Union assistance for rural areas of the Republic of Moldova, as well as success stories of people who have benefited from EU support.

Citizens will have the opportunity to find more about:

  • Results and changes made in rural areas with the support of the European Union;
  • Funding opportunities and assistance projects of the EU and Team Europe;
  • Success stories of people who have received support to contribute to the modernization of rural localities.

Follow the calendar of visits that will take place in the localities between 14:00 and 18:00.

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova launched the “EU for Rural Moldova” communication campaign – an initiative meant to reflect the results and positive changes achieved in rural areas due to EU support, as well as to inform about current opportunities related to EU assistance for the development of rural areas in the Republic of Moldova. In order to establish an efficient communication process, a series of combined online and offline events called “LIVE din Casa Mare”, media press tours and community events were organised, with the goal of increasing the awareness levels of the public regarding EU support to rural areas and success stories of beneficiaries of EU funded projects. The events addressed topics such as:

  • SCOPE of EU support and assistance provided for the rural areas in the Republic of Moldova 
  • FOCAL POINTS for EU assistance and projects implemented in the country;
  • ACCESS TOOLS for EU support in the context of interested beneficiaries and sharing of best practices 
  • SUCCESS STORIES of beneficiaries from rural areas who managed to develop a business and improve their lives and their community with EU support.

The communication campaign “EU for rural Moldova” offered targeted information to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova about European Union’s support, in light of contributing  to the development of rural localities in the Republic of Moldova. This is made possible with the implementation of several bilateral EU funded projects and programmes: 

  • Local development projects through the LEADER approach and the Local Action Groups;
  • The project to support the development of Rural Areas in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Projects to support the SME sector and create jobs in rural areas;
  • The projects focused on modernization of local public services, such as water supply and sewerage, energy efficiency, solid waste management.

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Conacul Mierii – o nouă destinație turistică rurală dezvoltată cu suportul financiar al Uniunii Europene.

Proiectele de succes realizate în zonele rurale vor fi durabile în timp numai cu implicarea fiecărui locuitor, iar Uniunea Europeană va continua să ofere asistență contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea generală a Republicii Moldova.

Un centru de sănătate, o seră cu legume crescute ecologic, o pensiune turistică și terapii cu zumzet de albine, sunt doar câteva dintre zecile de proiecte realizate cu suportul Uniunii Europene. Dezvoltarea zonelor rurale continuă!

Analiza rezultatelor obținute și faptul că oamenii se implică, își valorifică experiența dobândită până acum și propun noi proiecte – ne demonstrează că dezvoltarea localităților rurale va fi în continuare asigurată.

Sute de antreprenori au beneficiat deja de granturi, asistență tehnică precum și mentorat din partea Uniunii Europene pentru crearea noilor afaceri sau dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii, ceea ce permite și crearea de locuri de muncă noi în zonele rurale.