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Energy efficiency for rural Moldova: first houseowners sign contracts for home upgrades 


The National Center for Sustainable Energy (CNED) has launched the first financial support packages for energy-vulnerable households in rural areas. This year, as part of a pilot project funded by the European Union, 180 individual homes will undergo energy rehabilitation. The first 16 contracts were signed today with Moldovan houseowners from the Călărași, Strășeni și Telenești regions. 

“The Republic of Moldova has an energy intensity twice as high as that of the European Union. This results in higher utility bills for the population and a less competitive economy. By launching the Residential Energy Efficiency Fund, we aim to invest at least MDL 1.4 billion in the coming years to improve the energy efficiency of homes, reduce energy costs for the population, and maintain thermal comfort. Additionally, these investments will create new jobs and open new economic opportunities,     ”stated Carolina Novac, State Secretary, Ministry of Energy. 

“This marks the first time that people in Moldova have direct access to government-funded energy efficiency programs. These initiatives address the urgent needs of vulnerable households while advancing national goals for a more sustainable future with lower energy bills. CNED will now proceed with procurement for the necessary works”, said Ion Muntean, Director of CNED. 

The program is part of a broader investment in energy efficiency under the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Moldova (E4M) project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union, and Norway, and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. The E4M project aims at accelerating the energy transition in Moldova with the specific objective of decreasing dependency on energy imports and creating financial benefits for Moldovan households via enhanced energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. 

“Energy savings via energetic refurbishment of countryside single-family houses shall decrease families’ spendings for heating by at least 40% and up to 60%. This is most noticeable in the cold winter times but will contribute to a financial relief of the related beneficiaries over the whole year and for decades. Besides that, the increased thermal comfort, in form of a warm home and no more cold walls, increases the living conditions and quality of life,” emphasis declared Verena Zell, Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Moldova. 

A total of EUR 1 million in funding from the European Union has been allocated for all 180 households included in the pilot project. 

“These homes will not only consume less energy but will also provide comfort and dignity to the families living in them. The energy crisis of the last two years shows clearly how important it is to consume energy in a thoughtful manner and that all citizens of Moldova must participate at this effort. The EU stands by Moldovan people by all possible means, including bringing energy efficiency closer to people’s households. This is how a just green transition takes place – by ensuring that no one is left behind,” stated Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. 

Between October 2024 and January 2025, 58 energy audits were already conducted in rural households as part of the program. These audits identified energy losses in each home and outlined clear measures to improve efficiency. With the support of CNED experts, beneficiaries adapted the audit recommendations to their specific needs. The actual rehabilitation works are set to begin this spring. 

“This project is about real change where it matters most—helping families live in warmer homes with lower energy costs. Beyond that, it’s a step toward a more sustainable and fairer energy future for Moldova, built on practical solutions and shared responsibility,” stated Claudia Hermes, Country Director of GIZ Moldova. 

The signing of the first contracts marks a crucial step in Moldova’s efforts to enhance energy efficiency and support vulnerable communities.  

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