EU-Moldova Private Sector Mobilisation Mission
The EU is launching the EU-Moldova Private Sector Mobilisation Mission that will be held on Wednesday 10th April 2024, in Chisinau. The mission will be led by Ms Adrienn Kiraly, DG NEAR Director for the Neighbourhood East and Institution building, who will be accompanied by high-level representatives from the Government of the Republic of Moldova and European financial institutions.
This event will serve as a crucial platform to:
- Promote greater awareness of the opportunities offered by EU’s financial instruments in support of private sector investments among the European and Moldovan business communities.
- Bring together European and Moldovan businesses to explore investment and commercial opportunities in the fields of renewable energy, agri-food, and digital technologies in Moldova.
- Showcase the implementation of structural reforms and sectoral plans by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the context of its accession process.
This mission will also set the stage leading up to the Moldova Investment Conference to be organised by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic in Moldova in September 2024.
Private sector representatives from Moldovan and European companies, business associations, representatives of Moldovan authorities, and agencies working on investment promotion are welcome to join the mission. This event is an EU initiative financed under the EU4Business.
Register your expression of interest for the event by filling out the online registration form.