Euro Marathon 2024: A day of European unity in the heart of Chisinau
More than 5,000 people from all regions of the Republic of Moldova, but also from abroad, eager to promote an active lifestyle and support the country’s European aspirations, took part at the first edition of Euro Marathon 2024. The large-scale sports event was organised in the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau, being entitled with the slogan “Together we run for a European future”. The marathon brought together runners of all ages and abilities, including children and people with special needs, who proved that the future of the Europe is as diverse as it is united.
During the opening event, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, sent a motivational message to all participants, saying that: “The marathon is a symbol for perseverance, commitment and team spirit. Every step taken by you, every effort that was made, every defeated kilometer is a testament to the desire of overcoming the limits and aspiration to excellence. We, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, have a very clear direction, but for that we need a consolidated, strong and healthy society. We are building the European Union together, here, at home”.
The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, who actively participated in the running race, emphasized: “I think that the Euro Marathon is very similar to the process of integration into the European Union. It is not a short distance nor an easy one to fulfil. However, we all have one goal, and in order to achieve it you take a small step, so do I, and together we will achieve our common goal. I am sure that we will have a beautiful, healthy, European path – today and in the future”.
Dan Perciun, the Minister of Education and Research, who ran alongside those present, mentioned the role of education and that of the young people: “There is a lot of energy gathered here, in the Great National Assembly Square which has become a “Sports City” for a day. Thank you for joining us this Sunday! It is an event with a clear message – we are all running for a European Moldova. The Euro Marathon is more than just a sports competition; it is a manifestation of determination, hard work and collaboration. I encourage you all to run for the European path”.
The Director of USAID Moldova, Zeinah Salahi, stated that: “The United States of America, through USAID, is proud to collaborate with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and its people. I am glad to see at this race people from different backgrounds ready to run towards our common goals – better jobs, efficient public services, less corruption and a European future for the next generation”.
The race ended successfully, with enthusiastic participants running up to 10 km through the center of Chisinau. Each registered runner received a token t-shirt, and at the end, all of them were honored with participation medals as recognition of their effort and dedication.
Euro Marathon 2024 was marked not only as a day of sports celebration, but also as an important step on the path of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, proving that the European spirit lives through action, unity and collaboration. The event also included a sports town with stands that highlighted European culture, music, dances and various activities for all those present.
Euro Marathon 2024 is held with the support of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Education and Research, in partnership with Europe Café, USAID Moldova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, UNICEF Moldova, UNFPA Moldova, UN Women Moldova, the Soros Foundation Moldova, Chisinau City Hall, Sporter sports club