Open call for construction companies: Provision of the renovation works of the EU4Innovation multifunctional ICT Center, Cahul
The National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) hereby invites construction companies and specialised companies, able to undertake the renovation of the premises of the future ICT multifunctional innovation center in Cahul, established under the EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul Project.
For more details regarding the necessary renovation works, please refer to the technical specifications and requirements (Section 3 of the RFQ), BoQs (Annex’s 1) and technical design project (Annex 2) .
The renovation works are split into 8 (eight) LOTs:
- LOT 1: Demolition, reconstruction, renovation, leveling (walls and floors) works, building facade renovation work
- LOT 2: Electric lighting and wiring system
- LOT 3: Elevator
- LOT 4: Heating and air conditioning
- LOT 5: Access control system
- LOT 6: Fire alarm system
- LOT 7: Water and sanitation system
- LOT 8: Video surveillance
Electronic Submission Only. The only acceptable submission method is electronical – via email:
To: csirbu@ict.md – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist
cc: achirita@ict.md – Ana Chirița, Strategic Projects Director
cc: icorbu@ict.md – Ion Corbu, Technical Manager
In formulating their offers, interested companies shall follow the submission protocol and be guided by the list of mandatory documents required the RFQ, including the FORMS-A-E and FORM-F (Word).
Quotations allowed per LOT. Quotations must be submitted in separate pdf format files corresponding to the:
- Technical Proposal: Forms A-E and other mandatory documents required by this solicitation documents. There may be one or several PDF files with relevant names.
- Financial Quotation FORM F along with BoQs with prices – should be password-protected. ATIC will request the password if the quotation is deemed eligible and technically compliant.
NOTE: Any submission of the financial proposal that is not password-protected will be disqualified. Also, any submission of the financial proposal together with the password will be disqualified.
Offers received after the specified deadline (date and time) will be considered late and will NOT be evaluated by ATIC.
Attached documents:
Full RFQ (Pdf)
Annex 1 – BoQs (for each lot) (PDF): LOT 1 , LOT 2, LOT 3, LOT 4, LOT 5, LOT 6, LOT 7, LOT 8
Annex 2 – Technical design project (PDF)
Annex 3 – Expertise Report and Geological Ingeniero Investigations Report (Raport de Expertiza si Raportul investigatiilor inginiero-geologice) (PDF)
Annex 4 – Works execution schedule/Grafic de Executie_RO (excel)
Contact details: icorbu@ict.md – Ion Corbu, Technical Manager ; csirbu@ict.md – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist