Rural SME Policy Support Window
Project Description
The Project overall objective is: “To contribute to the improvement of the quality of living conditions in rural areas for sustainable and inclusive development of the Republic of Moldova”.
The project will assist the Republic of Moldova to robust SMEs development with a view to the improvement of quality of life in rural areas by increasing the sector’s competitiveness and productivity.
The technical assistance will focus on creation of a more enabling rural business environment through policy support and institutional strengthening of the involved bodies and state organizations leading to improved access for rural SMEs to the means and services for business development. It requires a strong coordination of the sectoral teams following the status of the sectors development and following the priorities.
The project will assist the Republic of Moldova to robust SMEs development with a view to the improvement of quality of life in rural areas by increasing the sector’s competitiveness and productivity.
The technical assistance will focus on creation of a more enabling rural business environment through policy support and institutional strengthening of the involved bodies and state organizations leading to improved access for rural SMEs to the means and services for business development. It requires a strong coordination of the sectoral teams following the status of the sectors development and following the priorities.
Specific Objective
To reduce economic and social disparities in rural areas through the introduction of active employment initiatives through the development of rural small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Expected Results
- A more business-friendly environment in Moldova's rural areas created.
- ODIMM assisted in the implementation of its National Access to Finance Programmes.
- New financing model elaborated based on the PARE 1+1 scheme.
- ODIMM assisted in the implementation of its 2025 Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and the Action Plan 2022, and in the elaboration of assessment methodology.
- The usage of business development services (BDS) in rural areas promoted, their improvement and the creation of new BDS supported.
- Support to SMEs (beneficiaries of the ODIMM sub-granting) provided.
- ODIMM assisted in the implementation of its National Access to Finance Programmes.
- New financing model elaborated based on the PARE 1+1 scheme.
- ODIMM assisted in the implementation of its 2025 Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and the Action Plan 2022, and in the elaboration of assessment methodology.
- The usage of business development services (BDS) in rural areas promoted, their improvement and the creation of new BDS supported.
- Support to SMEs (beneficiaries of the ODIMM sub-granting) provided.
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates Subsector:
Economy & trade Topic:
Business Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
01.09.2020 End Date:
31.01.2023 EU Project Number: