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Further Support to Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Safety in the Republic of Moldova

Project Description
Overall project objective is to support the development of the policy, legal and institutional framework for an effective development of Moldova’s agriculture and rural areas, in a way that they contribute to sustainable development, adaptation to climate change and the country’s transformation towards a green economy.

Specific Objective
Specific project objective is to strengthen the institutional capacities of national public institutions Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE), the Agriculture Intervention and Payment Agency (AIPA) and the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) in the design and implementation of agriculture, rural development and food safety policy and food safety and quality standards, in line with AA/DCFTA.
Expected Results
Component 1:
- National legislation for live animals and animal products is aligned with Union acquis.
- Set of Manuals of Procedures (technical Guidelines and Checklists).
- Trainings and competency development for relevant target group provided.
- I&R system significantly improved.
- Progress in the implementation of Title IV, Chapter 12 of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement is made.
- Study visit on selected topics (C1 and C5) conducted.

Component 2:
- National Strategy and Programme for Agriculture and Rural development 2020 and beyond is ready for adoption.
- Strategic environmental Assessment report.
- Ex-Ante evaluation report.
- Set of measurable indicators identified.
- Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation system incl. reporting is established.
- Competences of staff with respect to programming, M&E and reporting is improved.
- Study visit on selected topics (C2 and C4) conducted.

Component 3:
- Complete set of Manuals of Procedures for the 3 new measures applying advanced payment methodology is developed, trained and implemented.
- Complete set of Manuals of Procedures for the selected new measures of the NARDS 2020+ is developed, trained and implemented.
- Scenarios for the implementation of Direct Payments are described, discussed and the most appropriate option selected.
- 2 Accreditation audits according to EU PA-Standards are prepared and carried out - recommendations are implemented.
- Study visit on selected topics conducted.

Component 4:
- Comprehensive description of the “Management Information System” with action plan for implementation.
- Basic Management and Information System established.
- MoUs for “Data use and exchange”.
- Relevant staff trained to analyse and use data.

Component 5:
- Methodology for inter-institutional strategic planning.
- Relevant staff is trained.
- 3 Accreditation audits (composite products, meat products, CRDV) according to EU -Standards are prepared and conducted.
- Audit recommendations are implemented.
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Priority Area:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that creates
Governance & public administration, Agriculture and rural development
Good government, Agriculture
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: