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Local Civil Society Contributes to Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development in Moldova

Project Description
With the financial support of the European Union and co-financing from Sweden, the East Europe Foundation in partnership with the European Business Association and the "Contact" Center implements the project "Local Civil Society Contributes to the Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development of the Country". The 40-month project aims to contribute to the economic development of the Republic of Moldova through the active involvement of civil society and other stakeholders, taking into account the provisions of the Association Agreement with the European Union, which includes the Deep Free Trade Area and Comprehensive.
Within this initiative will be developed three civil society platforms to promote more inclusive policies in the areas of business and employment, trade and social entrepreneurship. The project will support 10 entrepreneurship funds that will provide technical and financial assistance for the economic activities of young people outside the education, training and employment system (NEET), will fund 10 consortia of civil society organizations that will develop and provide inclusive employment services for vulnerable groups.

The project will provide funding for the creation and development of 15 social enterprises that will integrate vulnerable people into the labor market and will fund 6 regional business support centers.
Specific Objective
Vulnerable men and women are empowered, access sustainable economic opportunities, reap the benefits provided by the AA/DCFTA and are better prepared to manage economic risks (such as COVID-19 pandemic) through active civil society engagement.
Expected Results
The joint efforts of the implementing partners and CSOs will be focused on achieving specific results, such as:
- at least 25 policy proposals will be developed and presented to the relevant authorities and supported by CSOs;
- at least 15 sustainable social enterprises developed with the support of the project;
- at least 10 CSO consortia created, which implement joint initiatives aimed at facilitating the learning and employment of vulnerable groups;
- consolidated capacities of 6 business support centers in the development of the value chain of SMEs in the region;
- at least 200 SMEs supported by business support centers;
- at least 10 youth entrepreneurship funds provide support for business creation and development for at least 60 youth-run enterprises;
- at least 20 local companies ensure the quality of their own products, access financing and manage to export to the EU.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Angajare asistata_Motivatie
Istorie Video_NataliCeban_AO Generatia PRO
Angajarea asistată a persoanelor cu dizabilități_CDPD
Istorie Video_ElviraTurcan_AO Generatia PRO
Istorie Video_Ștefan Nița_AO Generația PRO
Istorie Video_Eco Cleaning_AO Generația PRO
Istorie Video_ADIS
AO Lex XXI_Istorie video_Servicii foto
AO Lex XXI_Istorie video_Zootehnie
AO Lex XXI_Instruiri in domeniul antreprenorial
AO Lex XXI_Conferinta de premiere
AO Lex XXI_Istorie video_Confectionare bijuterii
AO ADIS_Gala Tinarului Antreprenor
Spot video_Hubul antreprenorilor sociali
Spot video Centrul comunitar Straseni si consortiul FFUPLM
Interviu cu Iulia Djur, administratoarea Credem Eco SRL, întreprindere sociala
Interviu cu Olga Berdaga
Interviu cu Mariana Budaianu, profesoara la centrul Robospace, intreprindere sociala
Interviu cu Ala Prisacari, administratoarea intreprinderii sociale Popasul Voievodului
AO ANIMA_Agenda Tanarul Antreprenor
Lex XXI_Podcast#11_Dumitru Stoica
Lex XXI_Podcast#10_Iulia Culicenco
Video spot_pers cu dizabiltati psiho-sociale FFUPLM
Video spot Anenii Noi
Tirgul Tinerilor Antreprenori Orhei
Video reportaj Hub Orhei
Agenda Tânarului Antreprenor_Anima_Ciumac Tatiana
Agenda Tânarului Antreprenor_Anima_Relax Cafe
Agenda Tânarului Antreprenor_Anima_Fantastic Studio
Video spot Casa Sperantelor
Agenda Tânărului Antreprenor - I.I "Neaga Nicolae"
Fondul de Antreprenoriat Călărași
Fondul de Antreprenoriat Orhei
IarmarEco 2023
Consortiu Cantemir
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine_7_familia Daniliuc
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine_5_N.Singereanu
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine_4_S.Ciobanu
Consortiu Cahul
Podcast #8_Lucia Antoci_Lex XXI
Podcast_bune practici despre antreprenoriatul social din Spania
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Podcast cu Andrei Esanu
Podcast cu Svetlana Mantea
Istorie Video_ANIMA
Spot Video Bubuieci, Chișinău
Spot Video AOPD_Ilenuta, Fălești
Spot Video AOPD_Ciobalaccia, Cantemir
Spot Video AOPD_Istorie de succes Zloti, Cimișlia
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine 3_Orhei
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine 2_Orhei
Cunoaste antreprenorul de linga tine 1_Orhei
Deschiderea întreprinderii sociale Ilinca Service Srl la Orhei
Impact Days
Lanasarea liniei de producere a înghețatei la Anenii Noi
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Podcast cu Svetlana Lopatina
Podcast cu Nona Mihalcean
Start up Academia 05
30 de ONG au creat si implementeaza modele de angajare incluziva a persoanelor vulnerabile
Подкаст социальное предпринимательство Н. Райтер
Video Launch of social enterprise Fairy Tale
Подкаст Социальное предпринимательство Е. Вербанова
Podcast Antreprenoriat social M. Pasat
Добро пожаловать в Гагаузию!
Launch of social entreprise ARA training center in Soroca
Tinerii NEET
Antreprenoriatul Social Spot
Networking event "Impreuna cream impact!"
Awading ceremony for social entreprises
Awarding Ceremony For Consortia
Social entreprise in Cahul
Business Hub Comrat
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Civil society
Jobs, Business, Civil society, Youth, Civil protection
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: