EU4Moldova: Local Communities
Project Description
The ”EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme is implemented as a Team Europe Initiative, with financial support from the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Agency and Polish aid. The overall objective is to improve the quality of life and to address the economic and social consequences of COVID-19 in selected local communities of the Republic of Moldova, thus contributing to their long-term resilience.
Specific Objective
- To improve the quality of local public services delivery within the selected local communities.
- To enhance the access of men and women to social, economic and technical infrastructure and associated services.
- To enhance business and job opportunities for men and women.
- To enhance community-led local development.
- To ensure a supportive environment for the creation of the implementation framework of the National LEADER Program (NLP) under the National Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (NFARD).
- To consolidate Local Action Groups’ (LAGs) operational and implementation capacities.
- To ensure further development of the National LEADER Network (NLN) as a guarantor of the LEADER development process.
- To enhance the access of men and women to social, economic and technical infrastructure and associated services.
- To enhance business and job opportunities for men and women.
- To enhance community-led local development.
- To ensure a supportive environment for the creation of the implementation framework of the National LEADER Program (NLP) under the National Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (NFARD).
- To consolidate Local Action Groups’ (LAGs) operational and implementation capacities.
- To ensure further development of the National LEADER Network (NLN) as a guarantor of the LEADER development process.
Expected Results
• minimum 200 rural communities involved in local development processes
• minimum 250 local development interventions implemented
• 100 new full-time jobs outside of agriculture
• 80 newly created and expanded businesses
• at least 25 supported SMEs led by women
• 9 improved and expanded local basic public infrastructure measures in the areas of water, sanitation / wastewater and solid waste
• 5 improved or new service delivery models established in selected priority sectors of local public service provision
• new measures for an improved business environment, including skill development at 4 supported VET institutions.
• minimum 250 local development interventions implemented
• 100 new full-time jobs outside of agriculture
• 80 newly created and expanded businesses
• at least 25 supported SMEs led by women
• 9 improved and expanded local basic public infrastructure measures in the areas of water, sanitation / wastewater and solid waste
• 5 improved or new service delivery models established in selected priority sectors of local public service provision
• new measures for an improved business environment, including skill development at 4 supported VET institutions.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Launch event and 1st Steering Committee meeting of the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme
EU - Moldova LEADER Conference (2nd edition)
Signing event of the MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Austrian Development Agency and Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova
EU4Moldova: Local communities - Integrated waste management Iargara/Leova ceremony for handover of essential equipment - 18 July 2024
Digitalization conference of the Moldovan Vocational Educational and Training (VET) system
Kick-off event on launching the teacher's training workshops on developing managerial and professional skills
Sessions training for VET students on the development of 21st-century skills
The signature event of the Cooperation Agreement for the construction of the Water Treatment Plant Edinet
The signing of the Cooperation Agreement for the development of the local public infrastructure
The signing of the Cooperation Agreement for the improvement of the Solid Waste Management
Trainings or participatory working groups
Signing of the memorandum for the Improvement of Solid Waste Management (SWM)
"Employment prospects outside Chisinau: Forecast for the labour market 2026"
Inauguration of ODA Business Information and Advisory Centre in Balti
Meeting with the Plaiul Codrilor LAG in Dolna, Straseni
Consultation of the draft law on the public sanitation service
"Local Communities - Stronger Together" - annual programme conference
LEADER Programme beneficiary video - Grădina Bunătăților LAG
LEADER Programme beneficiary video - Vasile Stroescu LAG
LEADER Programme beneficiary video - Colinele Nistrene LAG
Discover the authentic charm of the Plaiul Codrilor region on its new digital platform
Viisoara Business Consulting Center - more economic opportunities for local communities in Edinet
A better Solid Waste Management service for the people in Leova rayon
EU4Moldova: Local communities - Integrated waste management Iargara/Leova ceremony for handover of essential equipment - 18 July 2024.
What does EU4Moldova: Local Communities programme mean for you?
Participatory working groups and the developed community initiatives
"Local Communities - Stronger Together. The annual conference of the programme's partners"
Impressions and good practices from Albania, North Macedonia and Estonia for the communities of the Republic of Moldova
Opening of the ODA Business Information and Consultancy Center in Balti
Moldova LEADER IT Soft (MLIS) - the first digitized rural development program
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates Subsector:
Agriculture and rural development Topic:
Local development, Infrastructure, Education, Jobs, Business, Good government Project Status:
Ongoing Start Date:
01.09.2021 End Date:
31.12.2025 EU Project Number:
427-494; 423-668