Securing integrity, efficiency and independence of the justice system in Moldova - #Justice4Moldova
Project Description
The Overall Objective of the Action is to contribute to an increased role of the civil society and media to support the independence, integrity, efficiency and accountability of the justice system in the Republic of Moldova.
Specific Objective
The specific objectives of this project are:
1. Enhance the capacity of the civil society and policy experts to advance the implementation of justice sector policies in a transparent and accountable manner in line with European rule of law and human rights standards and Association Agreement.
2. Increase the independence, integrity and efficiency of justice and anti-corruption actors through scrutiny and support by civil society, policy and media organisations.
1. Enhance the capacity of the civil society and policy experts to advance the implementation of justice sector policies in a transparent and accountable manner in line with European rule of law and human rights standards and Association Agreement.
2. Increase the independence, integrity and efficiency of justice and anti-corruption actors through scrutiny and support by civil society, policy and media organisations.
Expected Results
Expected outcomes of the project:
1. 15 civil society and policy experts training within 1 thematic training on policy development, monitoring, policy dialogue and advocacy of justice sector policies
2. A Group of Justice Experts is mobilized and equipped with at least 3 new members
3. One toolkit for civil society experts on how to conduct independent policy development, monitoring, policy dialogue and advocacy of justice sector policies, developed and distributed
4. 10 position papers developed and published
5. 10 policy dialogue events linked to the topics of the position papers organised
6. Two shadow reports published on the implementation of the Strategy on ensuring independence and integrity in the justice sector
7. Two high-level conferences to present and discuss the shadow reports organized
8. One advocacy visit to the EU to promote justice sector and anticorruption reforms organised
9. One awareness raising and information campaign #Justice4Moldova implemented
10. 5 infographics, 5 short videos on justice sector policies, 5 video stories promoting integrity, efficiency and accountability justice in Moldova on the central and local level published, 5 TV shows facilitated, 5 op-eds/ commentaries on outstanding justice and anticorruption issues/topics published in EU and Moldova outlets
11. One project landing page of the project operational and maintained on www.ipre.md
12. 90 press-releases regarding project activities and 90 social media posts published
13. Two public opinion surveys on the integrity in the justice system published
14 Two press-conferences to present the results of the public opinion surveys organised
15. At least 6 consultations/meetings with relevant stakeholders organised
16. Two focus groups conducted among justice actors (judges and prosecutors) on assessment of needs, constrains and policy measures in ensuring integrity, independence and resilience in the justice system
17. One Report of the Functional analysis with policy recommendations to enhance the efficiency of a justice and anticorruption body published
18. 10 vetting analysis and 10 journalists trained within a capacity building training program within the thematic training on independent investigation and integrity checks of justice actors
19. Two vetting analysts and 2 journalists mobilised by the action
20. One Toolkit on conducting independent investigations and integrity checks of justice actors based on the curriculum of the capacity building training developed and published
21. One international study visit organized for investigative journalists and civil society experts to learn from best practices on independent investigations and integrity of verification of justice actors
22. One IT tool to facilitate integrity checks of justice actors developed by the Action, tested and operational
23. 30 independent integrity check reports on justice actors, prepared by investigative journalists and vetting analysts published
1. 15 civil society and policy experts training within 1 thematic training on policy development, monitoring, policy dialogue and advocacy of justice sector policies
2. A Group of Justice Experts is mobilized and equipped with at least 3 new members
3. One toolkit for civil society experts on how to conduct independent policy development, monitoring, policy dialogue and advocacy of justice sector policies, developed and distributed
4. 10 position papers developed and published
5. 10 policy dialogue events linked to the topics of the position papers organised
6. Two shadow reports published on the implementation of the Strategy on ensuring independence and integrity in the justice sector
7. Two high-level conferences to present and discuss the shadow reports organized
8. One advocacy visit to the EU to promote justice sector and anticorruption reforms organised
9. One awareness raising and information campaign #Justice4Moldova implemented
10. 5 infographics, 5 short videos on justice sector policies, 5 video stories promoting integrity, efficiency and accountability justice in Moldova on the central and local level published, 5 TV shows facilitated, 5 op-eds/ commentaries on outstanding justice and anticorruption issues/topics published in EU and Moldova outlets
11. One project landing page of the project operational and maintained on www.ipre.md
12. 90 press-releases regarding project activities and 90 social media posts published
13. Two public opinion surveys on the integrity in the justice system published
14 Two press-conferences to present the results of the public opinion surveys organised
15. At least 6 consultations/meetings with relevant stakeholders organised
16. Two focus groups conducted among justice actors (judges and prosecutors) on assessment of needs, constrains and policy measures in ensuring integrity, independence and resilience in the justice system
17. One Report of the Functional analysis with policy recommendations to enhance the efficiency of a justice and anticorruption body published
18. 10 vetting analysis and 10 journalists trained within a capacity building training program within the thematic training on independent investigation and integrity checks of justice actors
19. Two vetting analysts and 2 journalists mobilised by the action
20. One Toolkit on conducting independent investigations and integrity checks of justice actors based on the curriculum of the capacity building training developed and published
21. One international study visit organized for investigative journalists and civil society experts to learn from best practices on independent investigations and integrity of verification of justice actors
22. One IT tool to facilitate integrity checks of justice actors developed by the Action, tested and operational
23. 30 independent integrity check reports on justice actors, prepared by investigative journalists and vetting analysts published
Project documents
Project map
#Justice4Moldova Project Launch Event
Video on the workshop for 23 investigative journalists and integrity analysts within the #Justice4Moldova project (February 22-23, 2023), TV8
Video on the training program within the #Justice4Moldova project on public policy development (September 28-29, 2023)
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers Subsector:
Civil society Topic:
Justice Project Status:
Ongoing Start Date:
01.03.2023 End Date:
28.02.2026 Website:
Social Media Links:
EU Project Number: