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Supporting Independent Media and Reliable Information in Moldova (SIMR)

Project Description
Supporting Independent Media and Reliable Information in Moldova (SIMR) is a 24-months project designed to consolidate the proficiency of independent Moldovan journalists and media’s sustainable business models. Through delivering tailored capacity building trainings on fact-checking and investigative reporting, the project team aims at increasing the production of quality content countering disinformation.

Concomitantly, a grant support scheme is available for media outlets on: (i) advancing digitalization and digital security, (ii) covering legal assistance and (iii) teambuilding activities.
Specific Objective
Overall Objective:
Moldovan population is better informed and more resistant to propaganda and disinformation, hence promoting democratic values and contributing to a democratic future in the country.

Specific Objective:
Independent media in Moldova are at the forefront of the fight against disinformation, build their capacities and consolidate their resource to provide quality information on key issues of public interest (human rights, minority rights, the war in Ukraine, corruption, etc.)

1. Moldovan journalists, bloggers and fact-checkers receive tailored capacity building support and develop their networking thereby increase production of quality content countering disinformation.
2. Moldovan independent media outlets and journalists are supported to build resilience and protection mechanisms and to consolidate sustainable business models to continue providing quality information of public interest.
Expected Results
1. 80% of supported media outlets and journalists countering disinformation
and fake news and promoting access to reliable information;
2. 80% of supported media outlets and journalists having built their resilience and financial sustainability.
Project documents
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that connects
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: