Boosting civic resilience and connectivity in the EaP
Project Description
This project’s overall objective is to build a better connected and more resilient civil society across the Eastern Partnership region — one that is ready and able to participate in the democratization, reform and recovery processes in their countries, thus fostering more inclusive, resilient and democratic societies.
Through the Centre’s tested support methodology - flexible grant-making, CSO-led capacity-building and an integrated pan-regional approach - this project combines substantial financial support to third parties (FSTP) with comprehensive, innovative and targeted capacity-building interventions to help CSOs become drivers of change, advocate for their constituencies, network across the EaP+ region, root themselves within their communities, and become more financially sustainable.
Through the Centre’s tested support methodology - flexible grant-making, CSO-led capacity-building and an integrated pan-regional approach - this project combines substantial financial support to third parties (FSTP) with comprehensive, innovative and targeted capacity-building interventions to help CSOs become drivers of change, advocate for their constituencies, network across the EaP+ region, root themselves within their communities, and become more financially sustainable.
Specific Objective
To build a more resilient and better connected civil society across the EaP and Russia.
- Civil society has increased capacity to reinforce their role in democratization, reform and recovery processes. CSOs have increased resilience to internal and external shocks and pressure,
- Civil society is more engaged with one another nationally and inter-regionally, and has the space to share experience, processes and ideas,
- Civil society is better able to engage and communicate outside their bubbles by improving engagement with existing and new audiences and participating in official policy processes.
- Civil society has increased capacity to reinforce their role in democratization, reform and recovery processes. CSOs have increased resilience to internal and external shocks and pressure,
- Civil society is more engaged with one another nationally and inter-regionally, and has the space to share experience, processes and ideas,
- Civil society is better able to engage and communicate outside their bubbles by improving engagement with existing and new audiences and participating in official policy processes.
Expected Results
A better connected and more resilient civil society, ready and able to participate in the democratisation, reform and recovery processes, resulting in more inclusive, resilient and democratic societies in the Eastern Partnership region.
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Civil society, Eastern Partnership EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine Project Status:
Ongoing Start Date:
01.03.2024 End Date:
28.02.2026 EU Project Number: