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Resilient Media for Informed Citizens

Project Description
People in Need aims to provide flexible and needs-driven support to independent media so they continue doing their work, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. The programme will allow the participants:
- to cover their institutional and content-production related expenses;
- to improve the psychological well-being of their teams and make them more resilient against psychological pressure and stressful working conditions;
- to improve the overall security of the outlets and provide them with learning and capacity development opportunities.
The programme will also provide space for media specialists from different outlets to work together and to develop collaborative projects.

The programme is offering:
- Institutional resilience grant for each selected media outlet ranging between EUR 10,000 and 50,000 to cover the gaps the media outlets consider as the most threatening to their successful and uninterrupted functioning and to ensure that the quality of their work does not decline;
- In-detail assessment of holistic protection needs (identification of vulnerabilities in the areas of digital, physical and legal security as well as psychological well-being) of each media partner;
- Expert-based support to address the identified security gaps of each media partner, psychosocial support activities in various formats (both individual and team) for each media;
- Flexible program of capacity development;
- Platform to collaborate with other program participants to produce collaborative content.
Specific Objective
The actions' overall objective aims to to ensure that Moldovan population receives reliable information on regular basis through uninterrupted functioning of Moldovan independent media. It will be achieved through two specific objectives that intend to increase the resilience and sustainability of key Moldovan independent media outlets and support Moldovan independent media in developing new types of collaborative content reflecting society’s ongoing response to the multiple crises.
Expected Results
People in Need will increase resilience and sustainability of key Moldovan independent media outlets through provision of flexible institutional grants, digital and physical security support, capacity building, and mental health and psychosocial support. At the same time, one media-supporting NGO will be well positioned and equipped to better serve the needs of independent media. Furthermore, project intends to facilitate a collaborative platform for the development of new types of materials on social issues for the key Moldovan independent media outlets.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Rule of law & human rights, Communication & support to media
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
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EU Project Number: