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Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption in EU Eastern Partnership Countries

Project Description
Successful anti-corruption policies, prevention and fight against high-level and complex corruption are key for building resilient states and societies. They are also among the priorities of the Eastern Partnership (“EaP” or “Eastern Partnership”) post 2020 agenda.

The Action Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption in EU Eastern Partnership Countries (“Action”) aims to support the EaP countries in their efforts of preventing and combating threats to the rule of law through targeted anti-corruption reforms. Building on “EU for Integrity Action for Eastern Partnership”, (“EU for Integrity Programme”), that was implemented by the OECD in 2021-2023, the Action will stimulate implementation of evidence-based anti-corruption policies, strengthening institutions, and stepping up enforcement with a focus on high-level and complex corruption through regional dialogue, enhanced monitoring with the engagement of civil society, and in-depth analysis and experience-sharing on law enforcement and business integrity issues.

In co-ordination with Open Government Partnership (OGP), the Action also aims at empowering anticorruption reformers in government and civil society in these countries to help them act as agents of change in advancing anti-corruption reforms.
Specific Objective
The implementation of the Action will build on the results and the lessons learnt from the EU for Integrity Programme (2021-2023). The objectives of the Action will be achieved through anticorruption peer reviews, regional analysis and dialogue based on performance indicators, as well as in-depth analysis, and regional knowledge and experience sharing on dedicated thematic areas.

Specific Objective 1: To help strengthen implementation of anti-corruption reforms in EaP countries;
Specific Objective 2: To help reinforce law enforcement response to high-level and complex corruption in EaP countries;
Specific Objective 3: To boost business integrity actions in EaP countries
Expected Results
Objective 1
Indicative results
The activities will contribute to the following expected impact and outcome:
• Eastern Partnership countries step up anti-corruption reforms in anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption and enforcement of criminal responsibility for corruption, with a focus on high level corruption (impact)
• Anti-corruption bodies and other relevant actors using evidence-based methods to develop and implement anti-corruption policy (outcome) Indicative outputs
Indicative outputs
• Annual ACN Plenary Meetings (including monitoring and Steering Group meetings).
• IAP 5th round of monitoring reports.
• Regional KPIs on selected performance areas.
• Anti-Corruption Outlook Reports.

Objective 2
Indicative results
The activities will contribute to the following expected outcome:
• Law enforcement bodies in EaP countries have improved the investigation and prosecution of high-level corruption cases
Indicative outputs
• Annual LEN meetings with the participation of the EaP and selected EU Member States.
• Annual EaP-EU working group sessions.
• Cross-country study on the use of analytical tools in anti-corruption law enforcement practice in EaP and other ACN countries.
• Annual law enforcement report based on the Matrix of High-Level Corruption Cases.

Objective 3
Indicative results
The activities will contribute to the following expected outcome:
• Government, private sector, and civil society organisations have contributed to improving
business Integrity in EaP counties.
Indicative outputs
• Up to 15 Business Integrity Consultations with EaP countries.
• Meeting of the BIG.
• Advisory Group on Business Integrity and its meeting.
• Business Integrity Surveys in 5 EaP countries.
• Regional cross-country study with recommendations.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Anti-corruption, Business, Civil society, Dialogue, Eastern Partnership, Good government
EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: