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Moldova Sustainable Energy Efficiency Finance Facility (MoSEFF II)

Project Description
Moldova’s reliance on external energy sources, combined with inefficient energy use and outdated infrastructure, leads to high energy costs and carbon emissions. The Moldovan Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (MoSEFF) addresses these challenges by providing long-term financing through local banks to support businesses in improving energy efficiency and adopting renewable energy sources, particularly biomass from agriculture. In addition to financing, the project enhances the capacity of banks and enterprises to assess and implement sustainable energy investments, contributing to greater energy security and industrial competitiveness.
Specific Objective
1. Improve energy efficiency in industries, SMEs, agribusiness, and commercial buildings by facilitating access to financing.
2. Promote the use of renewable energy, particularly biomass and other alternative sources.
3. Build the expertise of financial institutions in evaluating and managing energy-related investments.
4. Support businesses in meeting financial requirements for accessing energy efficiency and renewable energy funding.
5. Demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of energy conservation.
Expected Results
1. Lower energy consumption and CO₂ emissions through efficiency improvements and increased renewable energy use.
2. Expanded access to financing, with banks strengthening their capacity in energy-related lending.
3. Better understanding among businesses of sustainable energy solutions and financial mechanisms.
4. Greater energy security by reducing reliance on external sources.
5. More competitive and sustainable industrial sector, benefiting from reduced energy costs.
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Priority Area:
Partnership that greens
Energy & energy efficiency
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