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Facilitating Active Engagement of the Civil Society Actors in the Agro-rural Policy Dialog

Project Description
The overall objective of the project “Increase the role of civil society in improving agri-rural policies” is aiming at establishing the sustainable partnerships between national and regional CSOs and due to this to increase the number and quality of organizations participation in monitoring and implementation of National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development.
The project will lead to improved knowledge and skills of project beneficiaries along with formation of a lucrative framework for the policy dialogue between sector stakeholders. The aspiration is to create a long-term positive effect on civil society involvement in monitoring and implementation of agri-rural policies. Also, it will aim to establish a fruitful communication on permanent base between policy makers and civil society actors; it will contribute to increasing awareness of farmers and rural entrepreneurs on the importance of participating, fostering the democracy and accountability of the government.
Specific Objective
- Analytical studies for assessment and comparative analysis.
- Capacity Building Programme designed and implemented with participation of at least 35 CSOs and 800 trainees, including 30% women, which will lead to the next outputs.
- Consultations on NARDS implementation conducted through establishing policy dialogue and conducting broad consultations with about 800 stakeholders on NARDS implementation and ENPARD uses of funds using as a tool focus groups, round tables, conferences, workshops, etc.
- Information/advocacy campaign for promoting outcomes of the consultation process performed.
- Formulating and promoting at least 15 policy initiatives which will incorporate the proposals of the local action groups, regional and national platforms.
- Conducting information/advocacy campaign for promoting the outcomes of the consultation process and proposals on the NARDS implementation.
Expected Results
- Comparative analysis of CSOs participation in the implementation and monitoring of the agro-rural policies in EU countries and Moldova.
- 2 analytical studies on the target groups/stakeholders.
- Creating the National Rural Network for policy dialog.
- Establishing 10 Regional Platforms for consultations &monitoring NARDS indicators at local level.
- Forming 30 Local Initiative Groups at community level, which will be trained, consulted and engaged into policy dialog at all levels.
- Formulating and promoting at least 15 policy initiatives which will incorporate the proposals of the local action groups, regional and national platforms.
- Conducting information/advocacy campaign for promoting the outcomes of the consultation process and proposals on the NARDS implementation.
- Formulating and promoting at least 15 policy initiatives which will incorporate the proposals of the local action groups, regional and national platforms.
- Conducting information/advocacy campaign for promoting the outcomes of the consultation process and proposals on the NARDS implementation.
Project map
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Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that creates
Civil society, Agriculture and rural development
Civil society, Agriculture
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: