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Construction of the Jointly Operated Border Crossing Point Palanca on the Territory of the Republic of Moldova

Project Description
The objective of the project is to build a new jointly operated border crossing point (JOBCP) at Palanca, on the territory of Republic of Moldova, in line with the EU standards and principles of a JOBCP, that will contribute to the economic stabilization and sustainable development of the region, will support trade facilitation and movement of people between two countries and will strengthen combatting of cross-border crime.
Specific Objective
- Acceleration of traffic flow due to simplified border crossing procedures, unification of joint activities and avoiding duplication of functions.
- Enhancing cooperation among the two countries’ agencies responsible for the border control, such as Border Guard and Customs Agencies, applying one-stop-shop principle.
- Establishment of a more rapid and secure exchange of information on persons, vehicles and goods, as well as other issues related to border control procedures.
- Corruption risk reduction.
- Reaching a higher level of efficiency and transparency of border guard and customs control through commonly accepted standard operational procedures.
- Improvement of combating cross border crime by the enhanced level of cooperation and possibility to solve these issues on the sport, immediately involving all relevant agencies.
- Reduction of operational costs due to the abolishment of the BCPs Mayaki and Udobne on the territory of Ukraine.
Expected Results
- Jointly operated border crossing point built and fully functional in Palanca.
- Border management improved: better mutual control and exchange of information and data between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
- Reducing corruption cases, fighting cross-border organized crime and illegal trafficking of goods and people.
- EU principles on excluding duplication of functions applied.
- One-stop-shop and single window concept implemented.
- Cross border traffic accelerated.
- Modern engineering equipment, control equipment and infrastructure for the crossing point provided.
- Border procedures simplified and optimized.
Project map
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Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Cross-border cooperation & border management
Cross-Border Cooperation
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: