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Visibility and Communication for Actions Related to AA/DCFTA Implementation in the Framework of EU-funded Assistance Programmes

Project Description
The project focuses on providing practical and useful information to both businesses and citizens of the Republic of Moldova about the opportunities available through the free trade agreement with the EU, how the challenges involved can be overcome and the financial and other support available from a wide range of sources.

The project works closely with a wide range of partners - including all relevant government ministries and agencies, local governments, business and sectoral associations, representatives of civil society, media and other donor-funded projects - to ensure their full participation in activities and straightforward, coherent communications about the agreement.
Specific Objective
- Creating a well-informed climate and the right conditions for full implementation of AA/DCFTA.
- Providing businesses with the specific knowledge and assistance they need to participate in DCFTA.
- Creating a well-informed and favorable climate for full implementation and participation through a comprehensive public awareness-raising programme.
Expected Results
- A series of measures to promote awareness of the work of government agencies and others related to full implementation of AA/DCFTA and to counter media bias. A series of activities to encourage full implementation include.
- Improving website and developing social media accounts to disseminate factual, easy-to-understand information about implementation of AA/DCFTA in attractive formats to a wide audience.
- Creating an “online news bureau” to bypass media bias, producing factual and reliable news stories, articles and interviews about AA/DCFTA implementation, to monitor media and social media coverage and correct false claims.
- A high-visibility Opening Ceremony for the Project to publicise activities.
- Partnership and Co-operation Workshops to involve a wide circle of partners.
- An International networking conference and proposed study tour to share experience and learn from other’s countries’ activities in implementing and communicating AAs and DCFTAs.
- A full inventory of all programmes and projects involved in AA/DCFTA implementation to understand what is available.
- An opinion survey and in-depth qualitative research to determine information needs and the best communication channels to reach target groups.
- Simplifying and packaging information to make it relevant and easy-to-understand.
- Setting up a package of information and advice services through a “one-stop shop”, including online services, bus tours throughout the country and practical training/coaching courses focusing on specific sectors.
- Working with local governments and partners to set up local Public Information Points.
- Developing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers responding to target groups’ needs.
- Assisting promotion of investment opportunities in Moldova.
- Building the capacities of beneficiaries to communicate about AA/DCFTA through training courses and practical advice.
- 3 fully-fledged communications campaigns focused on specific target audiences.
- Production and distribution of at least 15 video spots covering a wide range of topics for different target audiences.
- Organisation of 40 training sessions/workshops/visibility events for target groups in different regions of the country.
- Additional events in the last month of the project will include a high-visibility Closing Ceremony, transferring IT tools to the beneficiary and sharing knowledge and experience gained through the portal.
- An overall timetable for implementation of all communications activities.
- Pproposals for management of and decision-making on implementation of activities to ensure cohesion and full involvement of beneficiaries and partners.
- A set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of communications activities to ensure they meet objectives and inform any changes required.
Project map
Photo gallery
Export Morning Polonia
Export Morning Bulgaria
DCFTA: Quality. Safety. Choice
4 years of DCFTA in Comrat
4 years of DCFTA
3rd Phase of the “Info Business: Ask the Expert”: Technical Barriers to Trade/TBT
2nd Phase of the “Info Business: Ask the Expert”: Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary standards in the DCFTA context.
1st Phase of the “Info Business: Ask the Expert”. Access to support and financing for increasing business competitiveness and developing a company in a competitive environment
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Communication & support to media
Communication, Media
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date: