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eTwinning programme

Project Description
eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. This project provides staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, with a platform on communication, collaboration, joint projects and information exchange. eTwinning has created a school without borders, a common educational space for teachers and pupils. eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of information and communication technologies by providing support, tools and services to project schools.
Specific Objective
- To make it possible for pre-university educational institutions to build and develop pedagogical projects with other preuniversity educational institutions of eTwinning countries.
- To promote innovative cooperation methods and transfer of quality educational approaches and to reinforce language learning and intercultural dialogue.
- To contribute to the professional development of teachers through their active participation in collaborative projects, communities of practice and specific training activities.
- To foster the updating of teachers' professional skills in the pedagogical and collaborative use of ICT.
- To support and further develop the networking of schools and teachers between schools in Europe and neighbouring countries through a school-twinning scheme that would allow all European schools involved to create educational partnerships.
- To embed eTwinning Plus in schools education policy and promoting “eTwinning School” by involving more teachers from these schools, including school heads and management team.
- To support the analyzes and evaluation of educational system, improving the pedagogical education system by implementing the eTwinning program.
- To foster the teachers’ interest in European School Education Gateway as a great asset for teachers and schools.
Expected Results
- Creation of new educational partnerships between pre-university educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova and the countries of the eTwinning community.
- Increasing the number of pre-university educational institutions, including schools and vocational / vocational training centers, of schools in rural areas involved in the eTwinning action.
- Increasing the number of quality educational projects, which leads to a higher teaching culture, higher quality of education, diversification of the traditional teaching framework with the latest trends in modern teaching and the formation of lifelong learning skills, an essential element of a qualified teacher.
- Increasing the use of ICT in the process of teaching-learning-evaluation and development of educational projects.
- Implementation of the Learning method based on the project in the disciplinary curriculum, a method that develops the skills necessary for the students for their future professional career, entrepreneurial competence, cooperation and teamwork, communication, development of critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, as well as life skills.
- Teachers and students will learn and strengthen their communication skills in a foreign language.
- Increasing the number of "eTwinning School" and the involvement of teachers in these schools, including school principals and the management team.
- Increasing the number of eTwinning Ambassadors and promoters in Moldova.
- Promotional material developed and disseminated in eTwinning events.
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Civil society
Civil society
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: