UN and EU agendas are strongly interconnected and support the European future of Moldova
Almost 80% of the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) targets are connected to individual EU accession negotiation chapters.
The United Nations in Moldova, the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the EU Delegation have mapped the synergies between the EU accession process and the SDGs under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The results of this mapping can be found in the recently published report “Leveraging the Synergies of the EU Accession and the SDGs for the Sustainable Development of Moldova”.
According to the analysis, there is a strong complementarity and synergy between the EU accession agenda, the 2030 Agenda and SDGs as mutually reinforcing processes. The mapping shows that 128 SDG targets (76%) are connected to individual EU accession negotiation chapters or clusters. Moreover, out of 111 of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023–2027 indicators, 93% are linked to the policy recommendations fromthe 2023 European Commission (EC) report. Only eightoutput indicators from the Cooperation Framework are not covered by the EU accession chapters.
According to Artur Mija, General Secretary of the Government: “Moldova’s accession to the European Union (EU) is now the key development process in the country and is an absolute priority for the Government, being integrated into all areas of social-economic development. While embarking at full speed on the upcoming accession negotiations, Moldova is pursuing joint efforts to also achieve the global targets and goals undertaken by the country through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
During the analysis there were examined the following documents: the EC Annual Report for Moldova and EC Communication (8 November 2023); the UNSDCF 2023–2027; Moldova EU Action Plans of the 33 working groups created by the Moldovan Government for the EU accession (2023); 2030 Agenda and the SDGs; EU Acquis; the Moldova National Development Strategy; the annual government SDGs report, as well as other resources. As a result, a summary was created that maps synergies for specific negotiation chapters, incorporating the European Commission recommendations for policy improvements, related SDG targets, and Cooperation Framework indicators.
“The findings of this Report confirm the multitude of intrinsic linkages and synergies between these important development road maps. At the same time, an advanced alignment with the UN Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 shows the strong commitment of the Government of the Republic of Moldova to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and European Commission recommendations” highlights Simon Springett, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Moldova.
As of November 2023, the country’s average readiness across 33 chapters was rated at 1.92 out of 5.0, which is a 9.5% improvement since February 2023. The state of play indicator has improved for eight chapters and most other chapters have shown progress over the past year.
The global vision behind the SDGs to take action for people, planet and prosperity is fully in line with the European agenda that embraces the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, offering a unique opportunity for a better future. In the context, this mapping analysis provides an opportunity to address both development agendas at the same time with common strategic goals being achieved more easily and more effectively.
“Moldova’s efforts to join the European Union are crucial for bringing stability, prosperity, and lawfulness to the country. This journey is not just about politics and economics; it is about changing society as a whole. At the same time, by following the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Moldova shows its commitment about making broad reforms.” considers Jānis Mažeiks, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova.
Current analysis will serve as a tool for the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the United Nations Country Team, the European Union, and other development partners to monitor the way both processes – the EU accession and the SDGs agenda – reinforce and complement each other. In addition, this mapping will support the country on its EU integration path as enlargement countries are obliged to link the reporting on the EU accession (including the pre-accession programming and reporting) with the SDG monitoring process.
The full report is available here: Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 – EU for Moldova (eu4moldova.eu)