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The European Union services have launched the multi-annual programming exercise of the NDICI-Global Europe funds in the neighborhood region for the period 2025-2027 (the remainder of the EU’s multi-annual financial framework).

Call for Input on EU Funds Programming for Moldova (2025-2027)


The European Union services have launched the multi-annual programming exercise of the NDICI-Global Europe funds in the neighborhood region for the period 2025-2027 (the remainder of the EU’s multi-annual financial framework). This represents a move away from annual programming, which aims to ensure both increased predictability of EU financial cooperation and increased flexibility in order to swiftly respond to potential unforeseen needs. 

The multi-annual programme for Republic of Moldova has the primary aim to support progress on the country’s enlargement path, as well as the implementation of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. That support may take two forms: contributions to the Neighborhood Investment Platform to cover the investment agenda associated to the comprehensive partnership and complementary assistance, to achieve the common goals of the comprehensive partnership between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union.

In view of efficient and inclusive programming of EU financial assistance, the EU Delegation to Moldova invites civil society partners and stakeholders to contribute with their opinion on the priorities for cooperation for the period 2025-2027. In order to steer the discussions, please find here a number of questions.

We would welcome the written contributions of the Moldovan civil society organisations in the form of answers to these questions, by 14 March 2025, to be sent by email to The results of this consultations will form part of the EU Delegation’s input to the programming exercise.

Proposed priorities for financial cooperation in 2025-2027:

Financial assistance will target three priorities encompassing the seven pillars of the Reform Agenda:

(i)               Fundamentals, including rule of law and governance

(ii)              Economic competitiveness and strengthening human capital

(iii)            Environmental resilience, connectivity and digital transformation

Additionally, the EU will support Moldova to align legislation with the EU acquis in all areas covered by the enlargement agenda.

The strategic priorities for financial cooperation in 2025-2027 have been assessed in the context of the mid-term review of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Moldova. The Moldova Growth Plan including a Reform Agenda are coherent with the MIP and will guide the partnership with Moldova in the years 2025-2027, including via the Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova.

Guiding questions for the Multiannual Programming of NDICI-Global Europe funds in 2025-2027 for the Republic of Moldova:

  1. What are the 2-3 main priority sectors to be supported in Moldova in the period 2025-2027?
  2. Please describe 2-3 most relevant and efficient types of EU support, which contributed to transformative changes in the Moldovan society that you have observed in Moldova, since 2021 in the areas of political, economic, environmental and social reforms, migration and mobility, but also building democracy and civil society, the rule of law, good governance, human rights and the fight against corruption?
  3. What improvements, if any, would you recommend for strengthening EU’s support to key development reforms in the context of its EU integration path in Moldova during 2025 – 2027?  
  4. What recommendations would you have in terms of implementation modalities, choice of beneficiaries and/or implementing partners in the context of upcoming EU financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova during 2025-2027?
  5. What are in your view the key internal missing factors / circumstances that could further stimulate transformative / positive change in Moldova? 

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