Call for applications. Small grants for digitalization and digital security
Grants of up to EUR 2,500 are now available for independent media and journalists in Moldova through a new funding opportunity launched by ERIM, in collaboration with the Cu Sens Media Project and funded by the European Union. These grants will provide financial assistance for the purchase of essential equipment, digital security training, and the implementation of secure online campaigns. This initiative seeks to enhance the capacity of Moldovan media professionals to produce quality content, counter disinformation, and ensure reliable information reaches the public. Priority will be given to applicants from outside Chisinau and from rural communities.
The ‘Supporting Independent Media and Reliable Information in Moldova’ project is implemented by ERIM in co-partnership with the Media Project Cu Sens and funded by the European Union. The project aims to support Moldovan journalists, bloggers and fact-checkers in receiving tailored capacity building support and developing their network thereby to increase production of quality content countering disinformation and providing reliable information of public interest.
ERIM is an international NGO based in Lyon, France. We work to strengthen and empower civil society and independent media, to promote human rights and to increase critical thinking.
Digitalization and digital security grants for independent media and journalists (10 grants)
Eligible activities:
- Purchase of equipment to run online activities (phones, computers, software, etc)
- Training to use new technologies, including digital security/encryption etc.
- Support to organise secured online campaigns
- Activities to secure communication and ‘digital self-defence’ to combat online bullying, trolling and hate speech
Eligible costs:
- Equipment
- Consultancy
- Training
Salary costs are not eligible under this award.
Grants amount:
Minimum: EUR 2000
Maximum: EUR 2500
The call will be open until the maximum award of 10 grants will be disbursed. The first round of applications are expected to be reviewed mid-September. The schedule for applications is available below.
- The applicant is an independent media or a journalist
- The applicant is a registered entity (for media outlets)
- The applicant has been active for at least 2 years
- The applicant has not received any financial resources from any political party from Moldova and abroad
- Through its work, the applicant provides quality information to the public and prompts democratic values in Moldova
Applicants based outside Chisinau and from rural communities are particularly welcome. Political or religious organisations are not eligible, therefore their applications will not be considered.
- The need for digitalization / digital security action is well explained (15 points)
- A clear action plan with sustainable results and impact for the organisation (20 points)
- Relevant and realistic budget (with a clear cost description) (15 points)
Priority will be given to organisations who have not previously received support from ERIM.
Applications should be submitted by email, to simr_grants@erim.ngo, with the subject line: SIMR: Digitalizare in Romanian, English, or Russian. If you complete the application form in Ro/Ru, please add a translation in English and send it to us with the form (Google translate is accepted). Thank you.
For the first selection round, applications should be submitted by 20 September 20 2024. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. Successful applicants will be informed within 2 weeks after the deadline.
Deadlines for applications
20 September 2024
15 January 2025
Requested documents
- Application and budget forms
- Registration document issued by relevant authorities in Moldova (for media organisations)
- If the organisation has recently (in the last 2 years) undergone an organisational capacity assessment, the applicant is invited to submit the document/report/results (not-mandatory)
- Freelance journalists are asked to provide at least one reference letter from Editor-in-Chief / Manager of the Media they collaborate with + professional CV
If you have additional questions or clarifications, you can contact simr_grants@erim.ngo.