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Reform Support Teams, Technical Assistance to the Government of Moldova

Project Description

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided support to the Government of Republic of Moldova with the establishment of targeted Reform Support Teams (RSTs) in key government ministries. The project’s pilot phase was launched in Q1 2023 to aid Moldova’s government in leveraging EU candidacy opportunities through reform and policy actions.

The Moldovan Government grapples with two primary challenges hindering reform efforts: a persistent “brain drain” as young individuals leave the country and a substantial deficit in the capacity and effectiveness of the public administration to execute reforms. Key ministries and agencies lack experts possessing the necessary specialized expertise. Following the recent EU Commission recommendation to commence accession negotiations with Moldova, these entities urgently need increased drafting and technical support from skilled young professionals.
Specific Objective
Attracting experts to the government and retaining the talented young specialists in the country, providing them with the opportunity to grow within the government and eventually integrate as senior experts to support the government institutions in the future.
Expected Results
Example of sectorial work covered by the RST experts:
• Energy sector experts covering (Moldova Gas Deal EUR300m +EUR100m):
• Transport sector experts (Moldova Rail Restructuring and Roads Rehabilitation)
• SOE experts: Support implementation of the State Ownership Policy and Privatisation Program.
Project map
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Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Public Administration Reform
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
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