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Twinning project "Strengthening the capacities of the Moldovan Parliament and its role in the EU accession process"

Project Description
The Twinning project, implemented by the Hellenic Parliament together with the Parliaments of other four EU Member States (IT, AT, HU, and RO) aims to ensure an efficient, transparent and participatory legislative process in Moldova in the context of EU acquis approximation, as well as to strengthen oversight by the Parliament in the form of greater accountability for government decisions.
Specific Objective
1. to support and facilitate the Accession Process of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union;
2. to ensure an open, transparent and participatory legislative process in the context of EU Acquis approximation, as well as to strengthen oversight by the Parliament in the form of greater accountability for government decisions.
Expected Results
1. Improve the cooperation of the Parliament of Moldova and the Government particularly with the Bureau of European Integration of the State Chancellery for better planning and coordination of the EU approximation process;
2. The Parliament is better able to oversee ex-ante evaluations of EU-related draft legislation, including
regulatory and financial impact assessments;
3. The Parliament is more effective at scrutinising draft legislation, including compliance with relevant EU legislation (legal harmonisation) through reviews of selected draft laws;
4. Setting the foundations of a well-established oversight culture (ex & ante, parliamentary control means, committees) as a signifier of transparency and democracy;
5. Parliament capacity building while conducting oversight over EU and other external assistance;
6. Strengthening budget oversight and ex-post evaluations mechanism;
7. Strengthen the structure and procedures of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in capacity building by reviewing and revising the rules of procedure, along with other relevant internal rules, regulations, and work processes to ensure alignment with EU standards, enhance the efficiency of the administration to effectively support MPs and establish trustworthy communication with citizens and civil society through active participation in the legislative process including LBI-GMR expertise in specific activities.
8. Internal procedures and, if relevant, the Parliament Rules of Procedures are revised for their conformity with European standards, and to efficiently cope with an increased workload in the EU enlargement context;
9. The structures of the Parliament (standing committees, units of the Secretariat) are improved to deal with matters linked to European Integration and, if relevant, the establishment of a new permanent Committee is supported;
10. The mechanism for interaction of Parliament with citizens is improved to ensure more effective participatory processes.
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
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Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Public Administration Reform
Skills, Good government
Project Status:
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End Date:
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