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PGG: Strengthening the Capacities of the Justice Sector Actors to deliver Justice in line with European standards, in particular to fight Discrimination in the Republic of Moldova

Project Description
The project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe. The main goal of the project is to align the justice system at the national level with European standards in the field of discrimination.
The activities will allow to strengthen the Equality Council’s practice for a more effective fulfilment of its role, will increase the capacity of the judges and prosecutors to deliver higher-quality justice on discrimination cases through the use of harmonised application of European standards and will allow the Lawyers Training Center to organize and deliver courses in a more efficient manner.
By focusing on the cross-cutting issue of non-discrimination and on vulnerable groups the project will ensure that the capacities of the key Moldovan justice sector actors to implement European human rights standards are strengthened in order to properly fulfill their professional role and contributing to restoring public trust in the judicial system.

This project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II (2019-2022).
Specific Objective
The main objective of the project is:
Delivered justice is better aligned with European standards at national level in the field of discrimination

And the specific ones are:
- The capacity of the judges and prosecutors to deliver higher quality justice with special focus on discrimination through a harmonised application of European standards is enhanced.
- Lawyers’ training centre is effectively organising and delivering training courses.
- The Equality Council’s practice is further strengthened, and it is able to more effectively fulfill its role.
Expected Results
Under Specific objective 1:
- The National Institute of Justice has a higher capacity to deliver courses to improve knowledge and skills to judges, prosecutors and judicial staff on European standards.
- Greater number of legal professionals know and apply non-discrimination related European standards in their work.
Under specific objective 2:
- Lawyers and intern lawyers are better trained on the implementation of European standards in line with their professional needs.
Under specific objective 3:
- The Equality Council’s staff and members are empowered to implement European standards in dealing with non-discrimination cases and are enabled to efficiently cooperate with other relevant actors.
- The Equality Council’s monitoring instruments are improved, and effectiveness of sanctions is measured.
Project documents
Moldovan Equality Council staff learning on the right to apply to the Constitutional Court based on the new constitutionality review of legislation
The 2nd Steering Committee meeting
21 avocați și avocați-stagiari și-au consolidat cunoștințele teoretice și practice în domeniul nediscriminării
Judicial staff training on European standards on discrimination
Moldovan lawyers instructed how to submit applications to ECHR
Roundtable Findings of the legislative review on the Moldovan legislation in the field of anti-discrimination discussed in Chisinau
Gender Analysis for the project "Strengthening the capacities of the justice sector actors to deliver justice in line with European standards, in particular to fight discrimination"
Project map
Photo gallery
Roundtable Findings of the legislative review on the Moldovan legislation in the field of anti-discrimination discussed in Chisinau
Roundtable Findings of the legislative review on the Moldovan legislation in the field of anti-discrimination discussed in Chisinau
International Conference "Implementing non-discrimination commitments - a path to achieving European Human Rights Standards"
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that protects
Rule of law & human rights, Governance & public administration
Justice, Human rights, Good government, Eastern Partnership
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: