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A new opportunity to create LAGs


Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, in partnership with the National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the European Union and Polish Aid, launches the call for proposals of the Initiatives for the Creation of Local Action Groups (LAG), managed within the EU project “LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova”. The launched call is aimed at creating at least five LAGs that will contribute to the local economic development and to the improvement of the rural areas.

There are eligible territorial partnerships of at least three neighbouring administrative-territorial unities of first level, with a total number of at least 10,000 locals, that have the intention to implement the LEADER approach in order to support the consolidation of the local economic development.

More information on the criteria and principles of the LEADER approach, the application and evaluation procedures can be found in the Rules for participation. In order to create a LAG, one must follow a set of requirements and rules, that can be found here. Application deadline is on July 17 2020.

At the moment, there 32 Local Action Groups that cover approximately 30% of the rural areas of the country.