Five blocks of flats will be equipped with efficient heating systems and three hospitals with photovoltaic panels, with the support of the European Union
Tenants of five blocks of flats throughout the country will benefit from modern horizontal heat distribution systems and from hot water supply systems, and three hospitals – from photovoltaic systems for generating electricity.
The works are financed by the European Union’s programme “Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme.
Among the requirements for selecting the blocks of flats are the availability to contribute at least with 20% of the project’s value, the technical possibility of carrying out the intervention and less than 10% of apartments disconnected from the centralized heating system. Horizontal heat distribution systems are much more efficient than vertical ones and allow the installation of individual heating and hot water meters in each apartment, thus the temperature and, respectively, the amount of the bill being regulated. The application form and requirements are available here.
At the same time, three national and/or district hospitals will be equipped with photovoltaic panel systems, applying the net metering mechanism, to reduce energy expenses. The capacity of the power station will be up to 200 kW and the works will include the design, installation of the photovoltaic system and its launching, in compliance with all the requirements established by the legislation.
To benefit from support for the installation of photovoltaic systems, medical institutions shall have an average annual consumption of at least 150 MWh in the last three years, roofs in good technical condition, appropriate internal electrical network, a licensed electrician. When selecting the beneficiary institutions, the number of beds for which the institution was designed, the total annual number of patients, the equal distribution in territorial profile (North, Centre and South) will also be taken into account. Details are available here.
With a budget of 10 million EUR, the programme “Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova” is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. It supports the public authorities of the Republic of Moldova and vulnerable groups in the context of the increase in natural gas prices. The project contributes to the reduction of energy vulnerability by encouraging the replacement of household appliances with new, more energy efficient ones, by supporting energy efficiency measures in blocks of flats and the installation of photovoltaic panels in several public buildings.