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Call for proposals within the EU – LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund 2020

The open call for proposals within the EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund, 2020 edition, took place between 11 May — 15 June. The Fund is financed by the European Union and Polish Aid, and implemented by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and the National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova.

It supports the diversification of the economic activities and the consolidation of the entrepreneurship in rural areas, thus, improving the living conditions of the locals. The budget of the call for proposals is valued at MDL 3.866.520,00.

All the selected rural entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to implement innovative ideas to value the local potential and resources, to contribute to the stimulation of the economic revitalization and to the development of the attractiveness of the rural areas.

Proeictul leader UE

The Fund’s idea is to support initiatives from different economic sectors, such as beekeeping, rural tourism, vegetable growing and other important sectors from the local development. Additionally, there will be encouraged projects that will serve as role models for the local companies that act as catalysts for the sector.

The results of the formal and content evaluation of the applications received within the call will be published on